My Favorite Green Juice Recipe: Tera Warner

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The creator of the Raw Mom Club adds unexpected herbs like dill and fennel in her favorite cleansing green juice recipe. Find out why.

Tera WarnerTera Warner is the raw foodie mom behind the Raw Mom Club and, a site where she shares raw food and juice cleanse information, with a focus on her virtual detox programs.

We discovered the juicing guru during Mastin Kipp's Daily Love Extravaganza, where Warner was a speaker, and learned about her own online summit on women's health that brought together stars like Kris Carr and Dean Ornish, MD.

From her encyclopedic collection of juice recipes, Warner pulled this green juice recipe for us. It's focused on cleansing and includes unexpected herbs like dill and fennel, which she says are known to be an effective diuretic (for when you're feeling, um, clogged) and contain inflammation-fighting phytonutrients, which everyone needs. —Carla Vass

Super Cleansing Green Juice
1 green apple
A bunch of kale or dandelion greens
A few stalks of celery
1 cucumber
A small handful of dill
1 lemon lemon
Small amount of fennel (add more if needed)

Push through a juicer and enjoy!

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