4 Inspiring Entrepreneurs Are Sharing Their Top Savings Advice (and It’s *Good*)

Take it from the pros—it is possible to break that cycle and put money away, with the help of a little savings advice. Here, four entrepreneurs who have achieved their dreams of having successful careers in the wellness world are sharing the tips they learned along the way that helped them reach their goals. First on the list? Being honest about your financial situation.

"Get into the habit of regularly assessing your finances, whatever they may be," says Wendy Lopez, RD, diabetes educator and co-founder of Food Heaven. "To hold yourself accountable, schedule twice-weekly savings check-ins and honor them like a doctor's appointment." Because accountability is the key to pretty much everything—from getting yourself to the gym to sticking with your savings goals.

Watch the video above for more actionable savings advice from all four go-getting women.

Want more advice like this? Find out more tips for how to save money from inspiring entrepreneurs here.

Presented by Citi

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