Apple’s App Trend of the Year Is Something You’re Already an Expert In

Photo: Stocksy/Bonninstudio
Usually when it comes time to practice self-care, you ditch your tech and focus on what makes you feel good IRL, whether that's taking a candlelit bath, making your favorite smoothie, or grabbing a good book. Don't push your phone too far away, though: Thanks to a growing trend, self-care apps might just be the easiest way to get your fix.

Every year, Apple reveals what's on the rise, and for 2018, the App Store editors have named self-care the breakout trend, due to the ever-growing list of options that are giving people fuss-free, super accessible ways to focus on the self. Since we keep our devices so close to us, it's nice to be able to rely on them for moments of self care, which honestly can mean different things to everyone.

While the self-care genre expands year after year, it's really hit a new level in the App Store in 2018.  Not only is meditation an option, but there are plenty of other ways to imagine how to get self-care from an app. Sure, go-tos like Headspace are certainly here to stay. But you'll also find other options that are continuing to grow, too, like Shine, which motivates through audio pep talks, #SelfCare, which gives you soothing activities to do (like coloring circles or petting a virtual cat!), and Mend, which helps you heal and focus on self-growth.

No matter which self-care app is the best fit for you and your life, one thing's for sure: When you use technology correctly—AKA not just for scrolling through Instagram—it can impact your life for the better.

This is the hack Tim Ferriss uses to prioritize self-care without compromising productivity. Or, find out three ways Nicole Kidman squeezes self-care into her schedule.

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