What Tonight’s Rare and Mysterious Unicorn Meteor Shower Means for Your Zodiac Sign

Photos: Getty Images / Carlos Fernandez
As if the universe knows we've reached the end of this troubled year fatigued and downtrodden, it's decided to throw us a bone—or, more accurately, sprinkle us with comet dust—in the form of a rare unicorn meteor shower.

On Thursday night, an outburst of the alpha Monocerotid meteor shower, known colloquially as the unicorn meteor shower because it is visible near the unicorn constellation of Monoceros, will make a stunning appearance in the night sky. This shower originated in a slow-moving, unknown comet's dust, and it's rare for it to come so close to Earth's orbit. But it puts on a spectacular show when it does, one that's only been replicated four times in the last century—1925, 1935, 1985, and 1995. Experts predict that anywhere from 100 to 1,000 meteors will "perform" in the event this evening. This extraordinary nature show is expected to peak at 11:50 p.m. ET.

To imbue the event with a sense of meaning, I asked two prominent astrologers for their read on what the shower means generally, and then specifically for each zodiac sign. After all, meteor showers aren't just awe-inspiring but also astrologically significant. "Comets represent messengers of change. While meteor showers aren’t quite the same thing, they represent spiritual insights and wisdom about what’s happening on the earth. They invite us to rethink our ideas and make changes to our thinking patterns. They are like bursts of aha moments," says intuitive astrologer and healer Rachel Lang.

While the ancient ancestors who established the Zodiac weren’t familiar with this constellation (it was first depicted in the 17th century), the image of the unicorn in this constellation is symbolic. "The unicorn has been a symbol for healing, especially for detoxifying poison, and the symbol of the unicorn’s horn was seen by some cultures as a symbol like the horn of plenty," she says. "We now see unicorns associated with magic and wonder." This meteor shower, then, highlights all of these themes, and Lang says you could receive insights about how to live a more magical, awe-filled life.

For more specifics, Lang says it's important to look at the fixed stars which form a triangle around this shower: Procyon, Betelgeuse, and Sirius. "The fixed star Betelgeuse is a powerful, auspicious star—it suggests accomplishment and achievement," she says. "At the same time, it contains high infrared activity, which is favorable for clearing subconscious debris and becoming more aligned with your purpose." Procyon is like "the little dog who thinks it’s big but then realizes it’s not." This shower, then should serve as a reminder that everything, even good fortune, is fleeting. "Stay in gratitude for what you have, appreciate all you’ve earned, and be aware that it could change at any moment," Lang says. Like Betelgeuse, Sirius is an auspicious star—one of the brightest in the sky. "It represents how our individual efforts together can make a huge difference in the world," says Lang. "You will receive inspiration about how you can make more of a difference."

This meteor shower is also in alignment with the intensity of the upcoming eclipse season, says Ambi Kavanagh, founder of Soulstrology, which starts at Christmas with a solar eclipse in Capricorn. "We can actually tap into eclipse season energy about a month before the eclipse takes place, so the [unicorn] meteor shower is illuminating both the night skies and our attention as to what the eclipses are bringing our way," she says. "As we approach eclipse season and the end of a decade, the shower encourages each of us, regardless of our sign, to ask ourselves about what we want to create in this next decade."

Below, Lang and Kavanagh share their astrological advice for each member of the zodiac; be sure to read for both your sun and your rising sign.

What the unicorn meteor shower means for your sign


"The cosmic spotlight is on intimacy and how much you can transform from me into we," says Kavanagh. "Don’t underestimate the power of partnering up, because as the saying goes, you can go far by yourself, but will go further with others."

"You could have new ideas to express," says Lang. "It’s time to open your mind to see things in a new way."


"This will give you insights into how you might let go of some financial fears and feel more secure as a result. You may feel inspired to share with others. Let yourself feel more abundant," Lang says.

"Partnerships of all kinds are being illuminated and the fact that they need to evolve as we do," says Kavanagh. "Taurus, you like consistency and dislike change, but in truth, change is the only constant. Embrace what the cosmos is lighting up for you to change, so you and your partnerships can evolve."


"This meteor shower will especially resonate with Gemini as it occurs close to the sign of Gemini. It’s a time to share your ideas, insights, and wisdom with others. You’re born under the sign of communication, and you could be called to be a messenger in some way at this time," says Lang.

"Your health is not just how your body looks or even feels, but is about your mind, body and soul," says Kavanagh. "Let the showers shine a light on your daily routine and lifestyle and whether it truly serves your health—mind/body/soul, and if not, make the changes that serve you."


"Joie de vivre—what does it mean to you? What lights you up? This is what is being illuminated for you," says Kavanagh. "The need for pleasure and where and who brings you joy."

"You’re clearing old psychic debris from the past and from generations past," says Lang. "Pay attention to your dreams, they’re giving you clues."


"Home is where the heart is, so they say. But where is your heart, truly? Follow your heart, it will lead you to the right home," says Kavanagh. "Let the light from your constellation’s showers lead the way!"

"How can you be more of a leader in your community? Share your creative gifts with others. You’re not alone, and you have an audience waiting to hear what you have to say," says Lang.


"Your mind is either your biggest ally or foe," says Kavanagh. "The cosmos is illuminating how your life is a reflection of your thoughts and conversations. Make them light and watch your life light up."

"Break through the ceiling and reach new heights, professionally and personally. You could become more keyed into your life’s purpose and your mission. Be brave in pursuing your dreams," says Lang.


"Have faith in the goodness of the universe. It really does have your back, and so do others. You have to trust you’re not alone. Build community," says Lang.

"When you value yourself, you shine bright and are valued by others and the process of life. This is what brings abundance and pleasure your way. The spotlight is on the most important relationship of all, the one with yourself," says Kavanagh.


"Last year was your golden year with gift giver Jupiter in your sign. A year after his departure the cosmos is making you take stock of how far you’ve come. Bask in the spotlight of your season and let the showers illuminate what comes next," says Kavanagh.

"Your intuition is sharper than usual. This meteor shower could spark psychic awareness or open your ESP. You can uncover the mysteries of the universe," says Lang.


"Don’t underestimate the power of stillness, silence and rest. With your ruler Jupiter finishing off a year long transit in your sign, it’s been a busy year for you," says Kavanagh. "Now is the time to be still and reflect upon all the light that has come your way and the new chapter that is beginning."

"What are some of your relationship roadblocks? You could have insights about your love life, especially about the subconscious beliefs about love that are no longer serving you," says Lang. If you have felt trapped in relationships or have been afraid of commitment, you could discover key information to turn things around."


"You can—and do—make a significant contribution to the world. This meteor shower shows you how you might serve others. You could be motivated to volunteer for a worthy cause or become more involved in your community," says Lang.

"You’ve been in the forefront of celestial action with power player Pluto and serious Saturn both in your sign," says Kavanagh. "Now, the cosmos is illuminating your future, and giving you a glimpse of what to expect once the planetary pressure starts to dissipate and you start reaping the jewels of Jupiter in 2020."


"The cosmos is focused on the top of your chart, traditionally thought of as your career, but in truth reflecting your soul’s legacy," says Kavanagh. "What does success really mean to you? Let the showers illuminate your true definition of success so you can seek it out in this next decade."

"Tap into your creativity. Write in your journal, draw a picture, or find some other way to express yourself. You could have a spiritual awakening as a result of creative exploration. You could also discover hidden talents, gifts you could share with the world," says Lang.


"Expansion of all kinds is being illuminated for you and the lesson that it comes through the unknown. Allow your mind, body and soul to be exposed and expanded by different horizons and watch your life expand in tandem," says Kavanagh.

"Childhood experiences fill our subconscious selves with beliefs, ideas, and expectations," says Lang. This is the time to dig deep into your past and understand the ways in which your history affects your present-day life. You can clear and heal so much at this time."

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