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Post-Eclipse Is the Perfect Time to Amp up Your Pleasure—Here’s How

Horoscope of the day: It's time for pleasure and love

Photo: Stocksy/Bonninstudio

The past few weeks have been the most cosmically volatile of the year, with three (count ’em) eclipses in about a month—the last one happening August 11. Rockstar astrologer Jennifer Racioppi is here to tell you exactly how to enjoy this next phase, because things are taking a *sweet* turn. 

Monday, August 13

With the moon waxing crescent in Virgo and the last eclipse of the season now in your wake, orient yourself to your goals. Did you set intentions with Saturday’s solar eclipse? If not, you still have time. Later this week (on Sunday), Mercury, the planet that rules communication, stations direct. In other words, see ya (soon), Mercury retrograde! That means that momentum and speed will pick up again. So embrace this mid-August Monday with enthusiasm and create space for yourself this week. What do you need? What do you want? What will feel luscious to you?

Tuesday, August 14

Long walks, juicy conversations, and mindful meals anyone? With the moon now in relationship-oriented Libra, spend time with those you love and engage the pleasures of life.

With the moon now in relationship-oriented Libra, spend time with those you love and engage the pleasures of life.

With so many on vacation, (and so many planets retrograde) things at the office might feel slow. If so, take advantage. Remember that quality relationships and community increase well-being, vitality, and happiness. Take this opportunity to reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. Consider even writing a note of gratitude to someone who has positively influenced you. Nurture your relationships and focus on appreciation.

Wednesday, August 15

The Libra moon vibes continue throughout hump day, offering the perfect opportunity to practice balancing asanas like crow pose (or any asana that supports you to find balance.) Libra, after all, is a sign that represents equanimity, encourages harmony through rigor. Not into yoga? No problem. You can employ Libra-inspired self-care in other ways. Beautify your space with flowers, get a pedicure and choose a color that lifts up your heart, or commit to a social justice action that inspires you. Feeling on fire? Do them all.

Thursday, August 16

With the waxing moon now traveling in Scorpio, a sign that encourages radical honesty, take out your journal and permit yourself to express yourself. Vent, rage, and release if needed. Then spend time answering this question: “If I weren’t afraid, I would…” Answer this question again and again for three minutes.

Vent, rage, and release if needed. Then spend time answering this question: “If I weren’t afraid, I would…”

At the end of the three minutes, review your answers and choose one to three responses that feel interesting to you, and journal on them longer. See if you can arrive at an action step that feels relevant and exciting. Then…go do it!

Friday, August 17

Fri-yay all the way. Believe it or not, we have entered the second half of August. (How did that happen?!) Thankfully the weekend ahead boasts some of the absolute best transits of the month, so plan something special. Think: a spontaneous trip to the beach, to a lake, or a mountain to hike. Prioritize feel-good activities that support your well-being and lift you up.

Saturday, August 18

With Mercury in Leo making a perfect sextile to Venus in Libra, today screams love! So focus on precisely that: what you love. Whether you are coupled, dating, or single, put your relationship status aside today and think about love from a universal sense. What do you enjoy so much that it makes you happy just to think about? Where do you want to infuse love into the world? With the planet of communication (AKA Mercury) getting ready to go direct tomorrow, especially as it makes a perfect sextile to Venus, tune into divine love—and see where it takes you.

Sunday, August 19

With Jupiter, the planet of good luck and good fortune, making a beautiful trine to Neptune in Pisces, the universe encourages feel-good events. Astrologically speaking, today offers the potential of pure magic.

Astrologically speaking, today offers the potential of pure magic.

Think positively and put your absolute best foot forward. With Mercury stationing direct today, say goodbye to Mercury retrograde and spend time looking back. What did the recent retrograde period teach you? How do you want to move forward? Then get outside and have fun. Give yourself permission to dream, play, and be free!

Jennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic—a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women’s health—to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success. 

Want to catch up on her latest advice? Here’s what she had to say about last week.

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