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8 Air Purifiers for a Cleaner and Healthier Home

Photo: Instagram/@molekuleair

You might be careful about the type of almond milk you put into your body and, sure, you pay attention to where your honey is sourced from, but you probably don’t often stop to think about the literal air around you. Did you know indoor air can be up to five times as polluted as the air outside? Or that the air quality in your home could possibly be triggering breakouts?

Even if your Zen den is a veritable greenhouse of mood-boosting and air-quality-improving plants, you probably need to live in an actual rain forest to get the healthy air of your dreams—but until then, you can try something more realistic: air purifiers.

These 8 air purifiers will clean your indoor ecosystem (and maybe even your pores).

If you’re stocking up on your plants, these are the three varieties you’ll soon see all over Instagram and the ones that are basically impossible to kill.

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