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Bored With Your Usual Workout? This One Will Change That

Woman working out with hand weights

Photo: Twenty20 via @criene

The second workout for Week Four of Well+Good’s (Re)New Year Challenge is here! For this one, Jess Movold—a coach at both New York City’s Mile High Run Club and Fortitude Strength Club—is formatting things a little differently than you’re used to. Meet the superset, a pairing of exercises that work completely different body parts—such as triceps and back, or quads and calves—allowing you to tag-team tone.

So, why the switch up? “Supersetting movements gives other muscle groups rest time,” Movold says. “Think of it as forced recovery for the other muscles while you’re completing other exercises.”

Keep reading for 3 supersets Movold recommends to build strength and tone your total body.

Superset 1

Perform each movement for 45 seconds, then go straight into the next. Do three sets, resting 90 seconds between each. You’ll need some space in your home to get sweaty and a set of medium-weight dumbbells.

A. Dumbbell deadlift

Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width distance, holding dumbbells in front of your thighs with your palms facing in. With a slight bend in your knees, push your hips back and slowly slide the weights down your legs toward the floor. Keeping your spine straight, push through your heels to return to start for one rep.

B. Dumbbell floor press

Start lying on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold one dumbbell in each hand, upper arms flat on ground, elbows out at 45-degree angles from ribcage, and weights hovering above chest, palms facing away from you with straight wrists. Press weights up until arms are fully extended. Slowly lower back to start for one rep.

Superset 2

Perform each movement for 45 seconds, then go straight into the next. Do three sets, resting 90 seconds between each.

A. Dumbbell bent over row

Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width distance, holding dumbbells in front with your palms facing each other. Hinge forward at the hips, keeping a flat back, dumbbells now in front of knees. This is your starting position. Row dumbbells up toward chest, try to bring arms to 90-degree bend with elbows close to body, then return to start for one rep.

B. Dumbbell glute bridge

Start lying on your back holding dumbbells on hips, knees bent, feet flat on the floor hips width-distance apart. Squeezing your glutes, press through the heels to raise hips, forming a straight line between your shoulders and knees, keeping your neck relaxed and space between chin and chest. Slowly lower back to start for one rep.

Superset 3

Do 3 sets of 20 reps.

Curve situp

Start lying down with arms extended overhead, feel flexed toward ceiling. Trying to keep your lower back on the floor for as long as possible, slowly bring arms overhead and toward your toes, engaging abs. When your arms have touched your toes (depending on how flexible you are), slowly return to start for one rep.

Make 2018 your healthiest, happiest, and best yet—with a little help from Well+Good’s (Re)New Year program, which is packed with pro tips for putting your wellness plans into action

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