Angel Number 444 Is Encouraging Your Goals—and Helping You Trust the Process

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It’s normal to feel worried from time to time. But if worrying has gotten out of control, it may be time to refocus on building a stronger foundation. Learning to regain trust in yourself—and the process—may very well be what the universe’s message could be if you’ve been seeing angel number 444 everywhere.

ICYDK, in numerology, numbers all possess their own spiritual meaning. Angel numbers are a pattern of numbers that are said to be divine messages from the universe, such as in the case of 444. Note that it doesn’t always have to be a single digit that’s repeated to have cosmic properties, sequences like 1144 and 1234 are also considered angel numbers. In the case of 444, though, there’s a special message that you might not notice at first—but it’s time to open up your mind to the help it may be offering you.

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For example, you may notice 444 on a license plate on the way to the gym and look down at your phone at 4:44. Coincidence? Maybe—but then during your workout, you catch pause your favorite podcast at exactly four minutes and forty-four seconds. If you ask numerology, this could be a sign of divine encouragement.

To learn why 444 is so powerful, read on to discover its meaning, what it may mean for you, and how to apply the supportive energy to your life.

What is the meaning of angel number 4?

The angel number 444 is popular among those who manifest, but before we get into its meaning and why it's so well received, let’s go over the meaning of the number 4 on its own, as angel numbers that have a repeated sequence like this emphasize its energy. “In numerology, the number 4 represents our foundation, security, organization, and consistency,” says numerologist, astrologist, and tarot reader Vannessa Williams of Beyond Your Sun Sign.

“In numerology, the number 4 represents our foundation, security, organization, and consistency."—Vannessa Williams, Numerologist

In other words, 4 is about structure and finding ways to stabilize different facets of your life. It can show up when things out of your control are wreaking havoc to the point that it’s difficult to function as you normally would. Seeing the number 4, then, is often a sign to get your ducks in a row and do your part in reorganizing where necessary.

What is the meaning of angel number 444?

Knowing that the number 4 represents a strong foundation and an overall sense of security, it’s not surprising that angel number 444 is regarded as the angel number of protection.

While some think of this as a shield against all evil, others think about it more linearly. Specifically, Williams says that angel number 444 offers protection so that we’re able to focus on our foundation and move freely—without fear or all-consuming worry—through our lives. “We are unable to freely express ourselves without a solid foundation and angel number 444 reminds us of that,” she explains.

“The number 4 offers a strong foundation to build your dreams upon."—Joy Woodward, Numerologist

In that way, numerologist Joy Woodward, author of A Beginner’s Guide to Numerology, shares that she’s always considered angel number 444 to be a reassuring hug from the universe. It’s as if your angels are telling you they’ve got your back while simultaneously assuring you that you’ve got this; keep going. “The number 4 offers a strong foundation to build your dreams upon,” Woodward adds, urging us to practice gratitude and to be unafraid to ask our angels for divine guidance and support.

(Love the idea of all-encompassing protection and want to wear the angel number 444 as a reminder? The Mayfair Group Angel Number Hoodie might pique your interest.)

What does 444 mean for love and relationships?

When it comes to love, angel number 444 is urging you to think in the long term. If you’re single and dating, that could mean it’s time to reflect on your needs in terms of love and identify your means of support from a partner. Are you ready for a serious relationship right now, or are you having fun? “Angel number 444 in love is all about finding a friend in a lover and vice versa—someone that you’re likely to grow old with!” Erin River Sunday, an astrologer and numerologist explains. 

The seriousness of 444 can’t be understated, as Sunday explains that it radiates soul mate energy. Take that as you will, but seeing this angel number could indicate that type of relationship dynamic is around the corner, or at the very least, it’s putting the idea in the spotlight. That said, it may be wise to reflect on what that soul mate energy looks like to you and keep an open heart should that relationship bless you.

A similar thing can be said about friendships, too, Sunday says. “While it might not be as passionate as other numbers, it’s very collaborative, fun, and meant to go the distance,” explains Sunday. In that case, this may be a reminder to lean on your trusted friends, especially if you’ve been feeling out of sorts lately or worried about the future. Pour energy into these relationships, as 444 may be kindly nudging you toward their support.

What does 444 mean for spirituality?

The energy of angel number 444 is protective and stable, and in terms of spirituality, it could be giving you the same encouragement. “Angel number 444 in spirituality is about collaborating with people long term,” says Sunday. “There will be success if teamwork is prioritized.” Translation? It’s all about seeking knowledge and advice from those around you, whether that’s spiritual guidance from a mentor or surrounding yourself with those who align with your spiritual path.

What does 444 mean for money and career?

Whether you’re experiencing financial hardships or thriving in this area, angel number 444 is all about thinking in the long term. That’s especially the case given the stability aspect of 444. Meaning, regardless of where you’re, it’s about taking stock of your finances, creating intentions, and taking actionable steps toward those goals.

In terms of your career, angel number 444 is reminding you that networking and support are crucial. If you’re comfortable in your profession, this may be a sign that you have a lot to learn in your field, and seeking that knowledge may be essential to advancing in your career. “Angel number 444 is a green light to success and collaboration amongst peers to reach the top,” says Sunday.

Conversely, if you’re not sold on the industry you’re currently in or have been thinking about making a switch in your career but aren’t confident enough yet to take the next step. If you’re unsure about your professional path, seeing 444 may be giving you the courage to explore your options as it tugs on your attention. No matter where your head is, take the angel number as a reassuring hug from the universe that you have the support along the way.

What to do if you keep seeing angel number 444

If you allow it, seeing the angel number 444 can encourage you to lean into the things that make you feel most stable and secure, knowing all the while that the universe is on your side. In that sense, Williams says to think of the angel number 444 as a green light to move forth and create.

“[Four] is the number of support and stability, so it's about rooting down and taking care of yourself and your life,” Jasmine Wolfe, a numerologist, astrologer, and tarot reader, previously told Well+Good, noting that one way to do so is by honing in on the four areas of stability in your own life: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Perhaps you’ve been feeling inspired but hesitant (even slightly discouraged) to begin a new workout routine, sign up for therapy, buy that new journal and jot down your thoughts, or lean into a meditation or yoga practice to tune into yourself—if you keep seeing fours, take it as a sign that you are, and you will be, safe exploring these stabilizing practices.

How to harness the power of angel number 444

Picking up on the cues of angel numbers is one thing, but what about embodying its energy? In that case, it’s all about trusting the process. That’s because, as Sunday suggests, the number 4 is one of the most stable numbers in numerology. “It represents success through diligence, trust, and maintaining a sense of security,” she says. If anxiety and doubt have been eating you up, embody the energy of 4 by being patient and faithful that things will work out for you, even if it doesn’t seem that way at the moment. That could look like grounding and reassuring yourself through breathwork, meditation, and affirmations.

Another way to harness the power of angel number 444, according to Sunday, deals with social and collaborative energy from your surroundings. When you add up 444, it comes out to 12, which adds up to 3, “There’s likely stability that can be found within the friendships and collectives if you keep seeing 444,” explains Sunday. “If you keep seeing 444, trust that you’re meant to mix and mingle with people, and they might just stick around much longer after the party has concluded.”

Ultimately, the energy of 4 is about longevity and support, which can undoubtedly be achieved externally, but it may take a sincere effort to provide that for yourself, too. Follow the trust of the number 4—after all, there’s a reason why it’s been following you around: you have the resilience within you to achieve the confidence you seek.

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