This Is How Often You Really *Need* to Be Pooping
Discover how often you should poop, and what your poop frequency says about your gut and overall health, according to a gastroenterologist.

5 Cough Medicines You Can Safely Take While Pregnant—and 1 Ingredient You Should Definitely Avoid
Discover whether cough medicine is safe while pregnant, and possible side effects to watch for, according to an OB/GYN and general doc.

The 8 Best Iron Supplements for Pregnancy—All Prenatal Expert-Approved
Discover the best iron supplement for pregnancy, including picks that don't cause constipation or upset stomach, according to an OB/GYN.

Your Typical Household Cleaners Won’t Get Rid of Norovirus—Here’s What To Use Instead
Typical household cleaners like hand sanitizer or wipes don't kill germs from norovirus. Here's what you can use instead.

Why Does It Feel So Good to Vent to ChatGPT?
Over a hundred TikTok videos show creators sharing their grievances with AI. But why do we turn to chatbots to feel better?