To get ahead at your job, you can read inspiring articles (cough, cough), hit the gym, or get a badass mentor. But you might also want to consult a more unexpected career counselor: an astrologer.
Yes, the zodiac can give you some pretty stellar insights into your life purpose and strengths. The first place to look is your sun sign—that’s the one you flip to when checking your horoscope, which is based on the month and day you were born. According to Sandra Sitron, founder of Strong Eye Astrology, your sun sign gives you an indication of your innate gifts. “This describes your essence and how you shine out in the world,” she says.
For more job-related insight, you can also find your midheaven at the very top of your birth chart—it’s usually marked MC. (It signifies which part of the zodiac was at the highest point in the sky when you were born.) “The midheaven is the career area of the chart,” says Sitron. Depending on what sign it falls in, the midheaven represents the area where you’re likely to score your most public achievements and build a reputation for yourself.
Once you’re equipped with your sun and midheaven signs, you can use the intel that follows to work it at the office like a #girlboss—hey, maybe there’ll even be a raise in your future.
Keep reading to discover your most marketable talents and how to use them to slay on the job, according to astrologer Sandra Sitron.
Aries: The trailblazer
Aries’ success comes from tapping into her unapologetic individuality—as the first sign of the zodiac, she’s not one to follow the crowd. She’s also a natural leader who has no problem making tough decisions on a dime. Need someone to start a new project off with a bang, paving the way for others to follow? Aries is your girl.
Taurus gals make amazing project managers. They’ve got a knack for laying out long-term plans and sticking to them, with a slow-and-steady-wins-the-race attitude and a cool head. Finance is a good field for Taurus, since she’s great at making (and keeping) money, as is any job that requires her to create something simple, sustainable, and beautiful. (Eco-friendly interior design, perhaps?)
Taurus superpowers: Integrity, patience, loyalty
Gemini: The curious one
Gemini’s the PR girl of the zodiac—she loves to bring people together and find common ground among lots of different ideas. She’s got a way with words and languages, and is always the one in meetings who’s asking “Why?” To be successful, she’s got to remain interested and engaged in whatever she’s doing. Any job that doesn’t pin her down to one task will keep her happy.
Cancer’s gentle, nurturing spirit makes her ideally suited for working with kids or wrangling interns at the office. She looks at her job as an extension of her love for herself and her family. This is what motivates her to take care of business in the outside world—rather than a fat paycheck. To be truly happy in a job, Cancer must allow herself time each day to process her feelings, especially if her daily grind is intense.
Cancer superpowers: The ability to teach, manage, and multi-task
Leo: The creative genius
Confident Leo needs a job where she can take up space and be seen. She’s super creative, and sharing her vision will ultimately lead to major success. She’d make an excellent performer or self-made social media star, since connecting with an audience is easy for her.
Leo superpowers: Bravery, open-heartedness, generosity
Virgo: The giver
It’s easy to spot a Virgo in the office—she’s the one with the impeccably tailored outfit and the perfectly organized desk. Yes, she’s a stickler for little details, but through focusing on the minutia and staying grounded she’s able to create big things and solve problems like a champ. She feels good when she’s putting others first, although it sometimes comes at the expense of self-care.
With her easy-going spirit and a major dose of charm, Libra’s at her best when working one-on-one with others—for her, relationships are everything. She’s also big on creating balance, whether it’s between people (as a diplomat or counselor), between objects (as a curator or designer), or between ideas (she’d make an awesome Supreme Court judge).
Libra superpowers: Tact, logic, discernment
Scorpio: The sleuth
Scorpio isn’t satisfied with anything at surface level—she likes to dig deep. Whether she’s raking up dirt as an investigative reporter or getting patients to spill their guts as a psychiatrist, her ability to unearth the whole story (and any underlying motivations) is her key to thriving. And if she faces whatever she finds with compassion and understanding, that’s what will really send her to the top of her game.
Sag has the ability to see the big picture, which makes her a natural leader. Her enthusiasm for her work is contagious, and her disciples can’t help but feel hopeful and inspired in her presence. She was made for the world stage—whether in business, philosophy, higher education, spirituality, or politics.
Capricorn’s blessed with a work ethic that won’t quit, and she’s got a knack for building empires. (Yep, that’s her in the corner office at 9 p.m.) She’s not shy about being a boss, and she’s most effective when she’s able to delegate to those around her. An expert planner, she’s always got the next step in mind—so in order to stay interested on the task at hand, it needs to be meaningful to her.
Aquarius is happiest on the job when she’s acting on one of the many brilliant ideas that flow through her on a regular basis. She’s got a mind for tech and finds lots of satisfaction by helping the greater community move into the future. For her, getting ahead comes from working as part of a group and setting her ego to the side.
Pisces’ innate sense of compassion makes her a born healer, and she leads with love in everything she does. If a work-related opportunity makes her heart grow bigger and gives her a greater belief in the world, she’s gonna run with it—and burst through any boundaries in the process.
It’s a relatively calm week in your weekly horoscope for February 16 to 22, 2025. Although there aren’t many astrological events, there is a major vibe shift when the sun enters Pisces on February 18. Pisces is the final zodiac sign, marking a period of closing out cycles, endings, and processing feelings. As one of the most spiritual signs, Pisces also reminds you that the human experience is universal and that we are all interconnected, which is why the Two Fish always try to lead with compassion and empathy. Give yourself space to reflect on the past year—the highs and lows, and trust that a new beginning is around the corner.
A last quarter moon in Sagittarius on February 20 brings you back to the full moon in Leo on February 12. Last quarter moons are a period of shedding and release—as the moon loses its light, it shows you how to let go with grace. Whatever events unfolded under the full moon in Leo may come up again, and you may have more awareness of who or what is no longer in alignment with you. This is a time to prune and refine your current goals and objectives, lean on your faith in the unknown, and trust in divine timing.
On the same day, February 20, Mercury in Pisces slams into Jupiter in Gemini, bringing some drama. Look out for empty promises and people over-promising and underdelivering. With Jupiter (the planet of expansion) involved, it’s easy for people to be excited about their ideas and discussions, but maybe the followthrough isn’t exactly there. This can also be a big day for gossip, overthinking, and a busy mind. Try not to overdo it; moderation may be key to your success today. Information you learn can also lead to a change in understanding or perspective.
Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope:
Sunday, February 17: Moon enters Scorpio
Tuesday, February 18: Sun enters Pisces
Thursday, February 20, 2025: Moon enters Sagittarius
Thursday, February 20: Last quarter moon in Sagittarius
Thursday, February 20: Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini
Saturday, February 22: Moon enters Capricorn
Slow down, Aries, once the sun moves into Pisces on February 18. The next few weeks encourage you to take some time alone and sort out your thoughts and feelings. Spending time in solitude can bring you clarity and also help you catch up on rest. You might also become more aware of your limits, as your relationship with rest becomes more important. Don’t be afraid to set a boundary and say no.
Here comes an ah-ha moment under the last quarter moon in Sagittarius on February 20. You might feel like you had deja vu in some of your conversations. Your intuition is really heightened and can help you make decisions during this phase of the moon cycle. You might also have a jam-packed day and need to resist the temptation of giving into FOMO.
You’re bringing an idea to life thanks to Mercury in Pisces meeting with Jupiter in Gemini on February 20. You could have a powerful download during a meditation session or while you’re in the shower. This is not the time to ignore your creative impulses but rather to take a risk, even if you don’t know how the rest of the pieces may fall or what comes next.
You want more time with your friends, Taurus, once the sun enters Pisces on February 18. This is a wonderful time to focus on nurturing your existing friendships and building more community around you. You might attend events in your neighborhood that push you outside of your comfort zone but can lead you to new friendships. This is also a productive time for making progress on your long-term goals and networking.
You're shifting gears under the last quarter moon in Sagittarius on February 20. You’re more aware of your time and energy and who and what is wasting it! This is an important time to focus on reciprocal relationships and projects that give you meaning and purpose. You could also learn some secrets around this time, as people are eager to confide in you and seek your advice.
Financial security is on your mind when Mercury in Pisces slams into Jupiter in Gemini on February 20. You could learn some exciting news about a promotion or raise. There could also be positive news regarding a goal you’ve set for yourself. It’s also possible that networking pays off today, and you will find yourself connected to someone who believes in you and is willing to invest in you and your ideas.
You’re the star of the show, Gemini, once the sun enters Pisces on February 18. The spotlight is on your professional sector, and this can be a lucky time to gain attention in your field or to go after a raise or promotion. There could also be a new goal that’s emerging that you want to set your sights on. The next few weeks can also act as a period of manifestation for something you’ve been calling into your life—whether it’s a new job, a lover, going back to school, adopting a fur baby, or launching a personal business.
Thanks to the last quarter moon in Sagittarius on February 20, some of your key relationships are shifting. It’s time to have the uncomfortable conversations in your relationships that you’ve avoided. While discussing past irritations or frustrations doesn’t feel fun or lighthearted, it can help you get back on track. Consider this an adjustment period for your closest ties. Those who are meant to be in your life will put in the same amount of effort and energy to make your connection last.
You’re learning lucky news when Mercury in Pisces rams into Jupiter, in your sign, on February 20. You could feel like you’re finally out of a funk or making progress on some of your goals once again. This could also coincide with a celebration or receiving some attention and recognition for your hard work. You’re meant to stand out today, so take up space!
A perspective shift is around the corner, Cancer, once the sun moves into Pisces on February 18. Your mind is busier than ever, and new conversations emerge that pique your interest and curiosity. You could be in an idea phase, dreaming up and visualizing your future. You could also feel called to go back to school, book some travel, or experience something new that shakes up your comfort zone. Your words are your wands, and your conversations will feel more inspiring and revelatory over the next few weeks.
Thanks to the last quarter moon in Sagittarius on February 20, your daily responsibilities are changing and up for review. If you’ve been burning the candle at both ends, it’s time to put your well-being first! You may need to set a boundary or step away from an ongoing commitment that’s run you ragged. You could also learn news today that feels disappointing, or maybe you’re the one issuing a rejection to someone else.
Your magic is undeniable when Mercury in Pisces slams into Jupiter in Gemini on February 20. This is a powerful day for engaging in manifestation and divination work. Your intuition is also stronger than ever and can help you find solutions when you slow down and listen to it. You could also receive a fun, last-minute invitation that feels exciting! Conversations that take place also feel deep and have the potential to alter your perspective. It’s time to put yourself in someone else’s shoes.
Emotional and financial investments are on your mind, Leo, as the sun enters Pisces on February 18. You feel more vulnerable and willing to open up to the people you trust. The next few weeks also offer lessons on seeking help and support when needed. You don’t always have to be everyone else’s rock. Practically, you’re focused on getting paperwork in order, paying down debt, and negotiating some new contracts.
You’re letting go of an old dream and accepting that something better is on the way under the last quarter moon in Sagittarius on February 20. A passion project could have lost its pizazz, or it’s taking on a new form. You could also make changes in your romantic life—deciding to dive deeper with someone special or walk away from a surface-level connection.
The support you’ve been hoping for finally arrives when Mercury in Pisces meets with Jupiter in Gemini on February 20. You could receive a financial breakthrough, or perhaps it’s just support from your friends and loved ones when you need it most. This could also look like a dream contract entering your life, diving deep with a friend and growing closer, or getting more seriously involved in a specific group or community organization.
Close connections are on your mind, Virgo, once the sun moves into Pisces on February 18. Singles might focus more on seriously dating, or a potential new lover could enter their life! Couples are also eager to discuss the future and invest more time in their relationship. If love isn’t a top priority, you could just want more one-on-one time with a BFF or learn about some new collaborative opportunities.
Thanks to the last quarter moon in Sagittarius on February 20, you're ready to let go of the past. You might recognize the ways in which some of the patterns and habits in your family live on through your actions. This can be an emotional but powerful time to break cycles and start fresh. You might also make an important decision about your living situation or learn news about a roommate or loved one.
You’re making big moves regarding your life path when Mercury in Pisces bumps into Jupiter in Gemini on February 20. You’re ready to put a plan into motion when it comes to chasing after your latest goal or milestone. This can be productive and helpful energy for mingling with the right people who can help you along the way.
: Your schedule is starting to feel a little overwhelming, Libra, once the sun moves into Pisces on February 18. The next few weeks bring attention to all the little details and how you spend your time. This can help change your habits and patterns to set yourself up for success. You might also be more focused on creating a healthier holistic lifestyle for yourself—tending to your physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Setting boundaries isn’t your favorite thing, but it’s necessary under the last quarter moon in Sagittarius on February 20. Conversations can feel tense and upsetting but ultimately can help you resolve some conflicts or issues you’ve skated over in the past. You could also have a lot of responsibilities or obligations to tend to today, helping you realize what commitments you might be ready to let go.
Ask for some help, and you will receive thanks to Mercury in Pisces mingling with Jupiter in Gemini on February 20. You are probably feeling pulled in a million directions or have a full day booked. Lean on your network if you’re feeling run down. Your loved ones are eager to show up and support you. If you choose to carry the weight of the world on your back, you could wind up feeling more depleted or resentful than usual today.
You’re looking to have some fun, Scorpio, when the sun moves into Pisces on February 18. This can be a very passionate and romantic time—great for going on first dates, updating your dating profile, or even spending more of your personal time doing activities that spark joy. If you’ve wanted to write a memoir or create a personal brand, you have the creative inspiration to follow through on any of your ideas!
It’s time to rein in your spending under the last quarter moon in Sagittarius on February 20. You’re becoming more aware of how some of your money is going to waste every month. This isn’t the time to get down on yourself, but somewhat helpful for getting back on track with your budget and making edits and revisions to your monthly subscriptions and budget that can help you save some extra cash. You might also want to pivot and focus on a different creative project or discuss your personal values in a romantic connection.
You’re craving more vulnerability in your connections when Mercury in Pisces slams into Jupiter in Gemini on February 20. You (or a lover!) could share a secret and open up, paving the way for a deeper connection. This is also healing and helpful energy for processing your emotions through a creative medium. You could also make a financial investment in a personal project you really believe in and are passionate about.
Emotions run high, Sagittarius, once the sun enters Pisces on February 18. The next few weeks bring a period of introspection as you reflect on the past, your family dynamics and patterns, and also your living situation. Are you feeling supported by your loved ones, and do you have a safe and nurturing place to relax and unwind? You could learn some important news about family or make some changes to your living environment, too.
You are the main character under the last quarter moon in your sign on February 20. You might feel more sensitive, and it’s easy to take things personally today. This is a moment to prioritize yourself and your overall well-being. You may need to make some changes or adjustments in your close personal relationships or at home. This energy is great for deep purging and cleaning your space to clear out physical and energetic clutter.
If you’ve been keeping any feelings to yourself, now is the time to share them with the people you love most when Mercury in Pisces meets with Jupiter in Gemini on February 20. You might also notice old relationship patterns and dynamics popping up. Give yourself grace and make any course corrections as necessary. You don’t need to hold past wounds and mistakes against new people in your life.
The news you’ve been waiting for finally arrives, Capricorn, once the sun enters Pisces on February 18. The next few weeks encourage you to speak your mind and share your ideas far and wide. You could land a new contract or focus your mental energy on learning something new. This is also a powerful time to work on your mindset and kick limiting beliefs. You might also be more focused on some of your relationships with siblings, BFFs, or extended family members. Socializing and soaking up new vistas on the weekends can also be healing.
Someone else may confide in you under the last quarter moon in Sagittarius on February 20. Secrets and gossip can pop up, so be discerning in who and what you discuss with others. You could also have an epiphany in one of your dreams or feel a little more lethargic than usual. This energy can also leave you feeling inspired to come up with a new plan or put an idea into motion.
Conversations feel a little disappointing when Mercury in Pisces bumps into Jupiter in Gemini on February 20. You could hear a “no” when you were hoping for a “yes,” or even get into a petty argument with a co-worker. You might also simply feel overwhelmed by your to-do list. Give yourself space to slow down and remember that your worth is not tied to your productivity!
You’re standing out at work, Aquarius, thanks to the sun moving into Pisces on February 18. You could receive some positive feedback that boosts your self-esteem, or you may even be up for a promotion or raise. You could also be more focused on your budget and coming up with a new financial plan or goals for yourself. You might also make some necessary purchases or investments over the coming weeks that bring more comfort and ease into your daily life.
Some of your longstanding friendships are changing under the last quarter moon in Sagittarius on February 20. Maybe you’ve grown apart from a friend or recognize a friend group that feels too surface-level and not worth energy. You’re more aware of how precious your time is and want to spend it with people who make you feel seen and appreciated.
You might have the urge to spend some money when Mercury in Pisces crashes into Jupiter in Gemini on February 20. This can kick up an indulgent vibe, leaving you with buyer’s remorse. Consider making a list of your impromptu purchases and hold off for another day or two. See if you feel the same when you look at the list next. You could also focus on putting more effort into a creative or personal project.
The spotlight is on you, Pisces, once the sun enters your sign on February 18. The next few weeks help you focus on your personal goals and make new commitments to yourself. This can also be a fun time to experiment with your style, and any changes you make can draw attention your way. You’re magnetic, and people are curious about you and what you have to offer. New significant relationships can also enter your life—whether it’s a job opportunity or a new lover.
You’re ready to release old expectations you had for yourself under the last quarter moon in Sagittarius on February 20. There could be a specific goal or accomplishment you’ve been working toward that’s lost its appeal. While this can feel unsettling (especially if you’ve dedicated a lot of your time working toward it), trust that it’s creating space for a new wish to enter your life—something that’s more aligned. You could also share important personal news with someone or make a decision about your job, or living situation.
Conversations with family can feel a little haywire when Mercury in Pisces bumps into Jupiter in Gemini on February 20. You could get into arguments about your beliefs, or a family member isn’t as supportive of one of your personal goals as you would have hoped. You may also want to make a decision regarding your living situation, or you could learn important news about a loved one.
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When you think of Scarlett Johansson, the epitome of a picture-perfect movie star probably comes to mind. Everything from her red-carpet confidence to her glowy complexion seems flawless, effortless, and yes, a *bit* unattainable.
Well, about that glowy complexion... Just a few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to interview Johansson at QVC's Master Beauty Class event, where she got candid about her skin. Turns out, she’s not as unrelatable as you’d think—she’s struggled with her complexion for much of her life. (Stars, they’re just like us.)
At just 12 years old, Johansson began dealing with acne—a journey that would last well into her 20s despite seeing countless dermatologists and trying every pimple-fighting product she could get her hands on. "At the time, the message was very much like, ‘If you have acne, you have dirty skin that needs to be cleaned,’" she says. "Back then, we didn't know anything about the skin barrier and the pH balance of your skin, and how important that was."
This lack of education created a vicious cycle for her: Harsh products dried out her skin, which only triggered more breakouts and irritation. It wasn’t until she decided to simplify her routine and switch to sensitive-skin products that she started to see a real difference. After spending a few months committed to this gentler approach, she watched her breakouts and irritation decrease for the first time in years—and she finally felt confident enough to skip foundation.
The experience completely shifted her outlook on skincare and inspired the creation of The Outset, the skincare brand she founded as a reflection of her own story and hard-earned philosophy. Each gentle, hydrating product in the collection is designed to support the skin barrier and keep things simple—exactly the kind of products she wished she'd had as a young adult.
I’m no stranger to the struggles of sensitive, acne-prone skin, so Johansson’s story hit close to home. Before we wrapped up our conversation, I had to ask one final question: Which product from The Outset do you find yourself reaching for the most? I assumed her answer would be one of the brand’s buzzy bestsellers, like the Collagen Prep Serum (which I swear by) or the viral Blue Clay Mask that hydrates while exfoliating.
To my surprise, her answer was neither: Johansson revealed that her most-loved product is the Barrier Rescue Balm, which has earned a permanent spot on her bedside table and in her purse.
The Barrier Rescue Balm was originally formulated as a lip balm, but it’s much more versatile than that. Johansson coats it on her cuticles, the ends of her hair, dry patches on her knees and elbows—and even swipes it on her cheeks as a subtle, hydrating highlighter.
It’s also become a family favorite. "The other day, my daughter—she's 10—asked, 'Can I have the balm from your bag? My lips are so chapped,'' Johansson says. "So I gave it to her, and then my brother used it, and then I used it. My brother was like, ‘I should be videotaping this, it's great content.’"
Packed with nourishing ingredients like rose hip oil, jojoba oil, marula oil, and The Outset’s signature botanical hyaluronic acid, the Barrier Rescue Balm is formulated to hydrate and protect the skin’s barrier, making it the ultimate multitasker for dryness and irritation. Whether it’s protecting against harsh weather (these days, Johansson uses it to shield her children’s cheeks from the bitter New York temps), soothing cracked lips, softening rough patches, or adding a natural glow, this balm does it all.
So yes, when it comes to daily struggles like irritated skin, even stars like Scarlett Johansson are just like you. And you can be just like her by putting The Outset’s Barrier Rescue Balm (plus other favorites like the Night Cream or Travel Set) on permanent rotation. Your skin will feel deeply moisturized, soothed, and ready for anything—red carpet or otherwise.