Self-soothing is the right call today. With the moon in strong, sensual Taurus in a favorable sextile to Big Daddy Saturn (and with a challenging opposition to unruly Uranus), your daily horoscope invites you into a deeper relationship with your body. Embodiment is a balm for any recent stress. This is all about getting centered, grounded, and feeling your connection to the earth beneath your feet. Sitting for a few minutes of meditation, spending a few moments in nature (even if it’s cold), savoring the flavors of your food, or cuddling with your partner are all excellent tools to protect your peace.
The moon is in your money zone today, reminding you to secure your resources and save up for a rainy day, Aries. With unstable Uranus in the mix, battening down the hatches of your second house of finances is a wise plan. Overspending is a big no-no right now, no matter how tempting the product or experience. Stick with simple, inexpensive luxuries to soothe your body.
April 20–May 20
Your peak energy phase has arrived, Taurus, pushing you directly into the spotlight this Wednesday, ready or not. So why not just be ready? This is one of those moments when you can say, “woke up like this” and mean it. You’re getting that glow-up you’ve been waiting for, so use it well.
May 21–June 20
With the moon hanging out in your dream zone today, you could be out of it for a hot minute, Gemini. This can turn you inward for a bit, giving you time to reflect before you really put yourself out there. Once the moon shifts into your own sign later tonight, you’ll feel like you’re back online again.
June 21–July 22
Your ruling luminary is moving through your eleventh house of social life, making you much more likely to come out of your shell. You’re just overall friendlier and more receptive to people outside your immediate circle of trust, Cancer. You might even connect with someone who could become your new bestie.
July 23–August 22
As the moon in Taurus moves through your career zone today, you might feel equally stable and innovative, Leo. It’s all about using the foundation of what you’ve built professionally to propel you into new, unexplored territory. You’re mega-ambitious at the moment, and that’s the kind of thing that people in power are bound to notice.
August 23–September 22
Wanna see the world, Virgo? That’s certainly what the stars want for you today. The moon is in your sister earth sign, moving through your ninth house of travel, adventure, and higher learning. You probably won’t be able to instantly skip town, but find other ways to satiate your hunger for exploration.
September 23–October 22
The moon is in your sexuality sector, Taurus, and because your ruler Venus has been in your relationship zone since early Tuesday morning, you may be a bit fixated on love and lust. There’s a way to give healthy focus to this part of your life without being obsessive, Libra, and you can strike that balance today.
October 23–November 21
Now that the moon has dipped into your seventh house of relationships, you could be hyper-focused on partnership, Scorpio. And with anything-goes Uranus in the mix, something could come out of left field to throw you off. You could finally get over someone, which could take you by surprise. Or, on the other hand, you might suddenly feel ready for a much more intimate relationship.
November 22–December 21
With the moon poised in your sixth house of daily activities, you can find new ways to get things done without causing undue stress. Rather than stuffing your schedule and feeling overwhelmed, aim to trim away the extraneous in favor of the meaningful—especially what makes you feel good and grounded, Sagittarius.
December 22–January 19
The moon is in Taurus, an earth sign like your own, Capricorn. So not only are you in your own element today, but with lunar energy filling up your fifth house of love, romance, and creativity, much pleasure is available for you to access. Don’t leave anything that feels good on the table—you deserve to have it all.
January 20–February 18
The moon chilling in your domestic zone puts you in a homey mood, Aquarius. Still, with your modern ruler Uranus activated, there’s likely some kind of surprise around your humble abode. You might want to change your design scheme or move some furniture around to shift your perspective in your favorite room.
February 19–March 20
Aim for healthy and direct communication today, Pisces. With the moon in your third house of talking, thinking, and texting, your head may be clear, but is it in tune with your heart? Make sure you speak from the gut without filtering yourself. But tap into your innate compassion so that whatever you express, you say it with love.
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You’re feeling tender at the start of your weekly horoscope for February 2 to 8, 2025, but there’s an opportunity for healing and growth by the end of the week. Old wounds resurface when Mars retrograde in Cancer clashes into Chiron in Aries on February 3. Someone may know exactly which of your buttons to press—and it can feel quite personal. Be gentle with yourself, and know that everyone is on edge today. Consider reflecting on the feelings that arise rather than rushing toward finding a solution.
On the same day, February 3, Mercury in Aquarius mingles with Jupiter retrograde in Gemini. This planetary combo inspires optimism as well as out-of-the-box thinking. You could learn some lucky news or just feel more hopeful. New, exciting ideas and perspectives emerge. This is also a great time to gain attention for noteworthy causes, lead with generosity, and consider how to use your skills and wit to help others. Still to come on February 3, Venus, the planet of connection, moves into Aries. Venus will go retrograde in Aries on March 1, so pay attention to clues and themes that begin to emerge, especially in your relationships. When Venus is in Aries, people are more confident going after who they want and what they desire. New relationships can burn with passion but can also quickly fizzle out.
There’s a stroke of luck in the sky on February 4 when Jupiter stations direct in Gemini, and the retrograde ends! You could learn some encouraging news or experience a positive turn of events regarding some of your personal goals or relationships. You’re surrounded by support today and feeling extra grateful for your loved ones. There’s a first quarter moon in Taurus on February 5 that brings you back to the new moon in Aquarius that took place on January 29. You’re ready to take the first step to realize some of your dreams.
The North Node in Pisces, a point that has to do with your fate and destiny, connects with Neptune in Pisces on February 6. This can stir up karmic and fated events that involve themes of romance, creativity, spirituality, loss, self-sacrifice, and/or illusion. Everyone will experience this differently, depending on your birth chart, but one thing’s for sure: this cosmic combination can stir up a lot of big feelings.
You’re reaching new levels of intimacy and depth in your key relationships when Venus in Aries links up with Pluto in Aquarius on February 7. It’s time to open up and dive deep!
On the same day, the sun in Aquarius teams up with Chiron in Aries, bringing a helpful development regarding your healing journey. You might feel seen and supported for who you really are today. You’re also feeling more self-aware and proud of your own evolution. The week wraps up with Mercury in Aquarius connecting with Chiron in Aries on February 8. Similar topics and conversations will continue from the day prior, when the sun met with Chiron. You’re having meaningful, healing, and vulnerable conversations with those you appreciate.
Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope:
Monday, February 3: Mercury in Aquarius trine Jupiter retrograde in Gemini
Monday, February 3: Mars retrograde in Cancer square Chiron in Aries
Monday, February 3: Moon enters Taurus
Monday, February 3: Venus enters Aries
Tuesday, February 4: Jupiter Stations Direct in Gemini
Wednesday, February 5: First quarter moon in Taurus
Wednesday, February 5: Moon enters Gemini
Thursday, February 6: North Node in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces
Friday, February 7: Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius
Friday, February 7: Sun in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries
Saturday, February 8: Moon enters Cancer
Saturday, February 8: Mercury in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries
Your dreams are coming true, Aries, once Venus enters your sign on February 3. In the next few weeks, you have a cosmic advantage with one of the luckiest planets moving through your sign! You can use this energy however you desire—calling in a lover, aligned friendships, a dream job, or helping create the change you wish to see in the world. Your manifestation powers are top-notch, so buckle up and make the most of them!
Conversations and negotiations pick up steam again when Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ends on February 4. If important discussions experienced setbacks for any reason, they may resume again—with a positive twist! This is a lucky time for negotiations, booking travel, and expanding your horizons to learn something new.
Your dreams feel extra potent and powerful when the North Node and Neptune, both in Pisces, link up on February 6. Your intuition is next level and this is not the day to assume something is just a coincidence. You also have an all-access pass to your subconscious and can gain a rapid understanding of issues, patterns, and situations that have left you confused in the past. This can help you process some feelings and finally feel ready to move forward.
Spending time alone can lead to some of your best ideas, Taurus, when Venus moves into Aries on February 3. You may have been working overtime and wearing yourself down in the process. Now that Venus is on your side, you can catch up on rest and quiet your mind with solo time. You may also find a spiritual practice or recharging habit to incorporate into your daily life.
Your financial issues begin to resolve thanks to Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ending on February 4. If discussions for a raise or promotion experienced delays, conversations may resume. A check could finally arrive if you’re waiting to be reimbursed for something. The cosmic energy helps you get back on track with your budget and build a sense of security for your future.
You’re mingling with glamorous or influential people when the North Node and Neptune, both in Pisces, team up on February 6. A friend or someone in your network could put you in touch or recommend you for an opportunity of a lifetime. Your creativity and ingenuity are on full display, and people are eager to collaborate with you.
You’re making progress on some of your goals, Gemini, once Venus moves into Aries on February 3. The next few weeks offer you extra luck when networking. This is an aligned time to share your ideas far and wide and to resist the urge to be shy and play small. People want to support you; you just need to put yourself out there and ask for help! You could also be more social and have some fun events to attend, or you’re focused more on building a community around you.
Life feels more hopeful once Jupiter retrograde, in your sign, ends on February 4. Solutions to some of your most frustrating problems appear, and you can finally see the way forward. You could also have some positive developments in your relationships, career, living situation, or regarding your personal goals—especially if you choose to ditch your comfort zone and try something new!
It’s hard to ignore your intuition when the North Node and Neptune, both in Pisces, sync up on February 6. You’re making big decisions based on your gut impulses regarding your life path and direction. You could have a heart-to-heart with an important person in your life or choose to switch gears and chase after a new calling that incorporates more of your creative and personal passions.
Soak up the spotlight, Cancer, once Venus moves into Aries on February 3. You’re gaining attention, and people can’t seem to get enough of you or what you have to offer. This is the time to take a stab at going viral, launch a side business, ask for a raise, tell someone you love them—whatever desires you’re trying to call in, now is the time to go after them! A little bit of luck and support from others are on your side.
You feel guided and protected thanks to Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ending on February 4. Meaningful messages can appear in your dreams, or you may wake up with a strong intuitive urge to make a decision. This is an important day to lead with your heart over your head.
Conversations feel emotional and deep when the North Node and Neptune, both in Pisces, conjoin on February 6. You could learn news that elicits a good cry, or maybe you’re the one who’s cracking open someone else’s heart. Words can be extra vulnerable and compassionate today. People are emotionally generous, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.
Things are looking up, Leo, thanks to Venus moving into Aries on February 3. You’re feeling hopeful about your future and craving more adventure. The next few weeks could inspire you to travel more, go back to school, or even focus on a writing project. You also have extra tact and charm in your communication skills, so go ahead and ask for what you want.
Your dreams are moving full speed ahead once Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ends on February 4. If you’ve felt lost or confused about what direction you should head in next, some certainty finally arrives! You could receive an opportunity of a lifetime or just feel more self-assured about what direction you want to head in next. Some support for your aspirations and dreams can also manifest.
Avoid making big purchases if you can when the North Node and Neptune, both in Pisces, link up on February 6. This is not the best day to swipe your credit card haphazardly. Save important financial decisions for another day. Emotionally, you could feel more sensitive, engage in some healing work, or spend time reflecting on the past.
You’re ready to bare your soul to someone special, Virgo, when Venus moves into Aries on February 3. The next few weeks encourage you to open up and share secrets with someone you trust. Bonds can grow deeper, and you’ll feel grateful for your support system. This can help you clear up debt, get paperwork in order, and attract new contracts.
A new desire is calling your name when Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ends on February 4. You’re feeling inspired about your vision for your future and ready to take action to bring your idea to life. Maybe you’re ready to go back to school or step into a teaching capacity in some way. You could also gain more attention and recognition in your professional field, so put yourself out there and take risks!
You’re feeling sentimental and grateful for those nearest and dearest to you when the North Node and Neptune, both in Pisces, team up on February 6. You could share a good cry with a loved one or simply feel overwhelmed by nostalgia. Maybe you’re spending time with a BFF who’s been by your side since you were a kid or opening up to a lover about the next steps in your relationship.
Connection is a priority for you, Libra, when Venus moves into Aries on February 3. If you’re single and ready to mingle, now is the time to put yourself out there! You could meet someone with long-lasting potential (if that’s what you’re seeking), and couples are more focused on nurturing their bond and shared future. You could also receive more contract and client work if love isn’t your priority. Collaboration of any kind is favored.
A perspective shift leaves you hopeful and curious thanks to Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ending on February 4. Conversations feel especially meaningful and illuminating. You could share something especially vulnerable with a loved one or develop a new idea you want to put energy into. You’re thinking about your long-term future and coming up with steps to bring that vision to life!
You’re reflecting on your relationship with any self-sacrificing behaviors when the North Node and Neptune, both in Pisces, sync up on February 6. You may need to be honest with yourself about your limits and how much you can take on. This is an important moment to say no, set boundaries, and focus on your self-care.
Life feels more manageable, Scorpio, thanks to Venus entering Aries on February 3. If you’ve been working hard on a project or commitment in your personal or professional life, you’re finally receiving the recognition you deserve! For some, this could look like heartfelt compliments and appreciation; for others, this could coincide with a raise or solution to a problem. You’ve also got the momentum to change your habits and lifestyle.
Emotions run high but also set you free when Jupiter retrograde in Gemini on February 4. You’re getting in touch with your vulnerable side and exploring some of the memories and feelings you’ve ignored. Carving out space to grieve, cry, or even accept past versions of yourself (or others) doing their best with the tools they had in their emotional toolboxes at the time can help set you free and start fresh.
You feel like you’re living in a rom-com when the North Node and Neptune team up on February 6. The romantic energy is palpable and can be off the charts! It can also be a little hazy and confusing. The energy is ripe for misunderstandings and illusions to fester. Try not to put others on a pedestal and pay attention if something feels too good to be true. There could be a romantic situation in your life that’s also run its course.
You’ve got extra luck on your side, Sagittarius, thanks to Venus moving into Aries on February 3. You’re feeling passionate and excited about your future. For singles, this is a lucky time to date, and couples might want to explore their desires and intimacy in new ways. This can also help you access a new creative spark and bring lucky news.
You’re exploring uncharted territory in your close relationships once Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ends on February 4. You could make a big decision regarding your shared future—whether it’s with a roommate, family member, lovers, or BFF. Conversations can lead to a shift in perspective but also open you up to new possibilities in your future.
Nostalgia is unavoidable when the North Node and Neptune, both in Pisces, meet up on February 6. You may be overdue for a good cry! That’s OK, give yourself space to feel what comes up for you. This could also be a moment where you’re feeling overwhelmed with gratitude for your family and friends. Your intuition and dream world are also overactive and accurate, so listen to your gut.
Some drama in your personal life finally cools down, Capricorn, once Venus enters Aries on February 3. If you’ve been fighting with roommates, family members, or your landlord, tensions begin to subside. You can find common ground and get your relationship back on track. This could also be a period when you spend more time at home or with your loved ones. Maybe you’re craving a quiet, nurturing environment that makes you feel safe and comforted.
You’re wrapping up a big project or receiving overdue recognition or help once Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ends on February 4. If your daily routine has felt overwhelming the past few weeks, some relief finally shows up! Solutions to your problems can appear, and you can also make amends and let go of petty disagreements. Setting boundaries can also help you find more alignment in your everyday routine.
Conversations are compassionate, tender-hearted, and emotional when the North Node and Neptune, both in Pisces, conjoin on February 6. This is a beautiful moment to open up and tell someone how you really feel or even share a secret or something vulnerable with someone you love and trust. You could also learn about an opportunity that feels creatively aligned and like it’s meant to be!
You’re speaking from the heart, Aquarius, thanks to Venus entering Aries on February 3. The next few weeks will give you the upper hand in expressing yourself. This is an ideal time to apply for jobs, negotiate new contracts, or tell someone you love them. There might also be a new subject that captures your attention, and maybe you’re considering signing up for a class or investing more of your free time to learn something new.
Your inspiration returns, and you feel motivated and hopeful about what lies ahead, thanks to Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ending on February 4. You could learn lucky news or just feel like you’re in the right place at the right time. If you’ve struggled with a lack of creative inspiration, you can catch a new stride. This can also bring exciting changes to your romantic relationships.
You’re focused on your finances when the North Node and Neptune, both in Pisces, meet on February 6. It’s possible that a contract or project that feels too good to be true starts to lose its luster. On the other hand, you could also learn about a work opportunity that feels meaningful and spiritually aligned. This is also lovely energy for donating and supporting causes and organizations you believe in.
Here comes the check you’ve been waiting on, Pisces, thanks to Venus entering Aries on February 3. You might start to feel back on track with finances or even learn about a potential raise or promotion. New job or contract opportunities could also land in your inbox. The next few weeks can also remind you of what makes you stand out amongst the crowd and give you a well-deserved self-esteem boost.
You’re feeling overwhelmed with gratitude for your chosen family thanks to Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ending on February 4. You could learn some hopeful news about a living situation or a family member. This could also stir up some sentimental feelings, but spending time reflecting on your past can help you come up with solutions to problems or new ideas you want to pursue.
You’re the main character when the North Node and Neptune, both in your sign, come together on February 6. The glamour is next level, and you’re attracting who and what you desire. People might feel like you’re also more of an enigma than usual—that’s OK, leave them confused and wanting more!
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Your weekly horoscope for January 26 to February 1, 2025, helps you find new solutions to old problems. You benefit from your intuitive mind when Mercury in Capricorn links up with Neptune in Pisces on January 26. Spending time alone or engaging in spiritual practices can lead you to new insights and ideas. Conversations are tender, healing, and vulnerable, too. People are compassionate, open-minded, and more understanding. On the same day, January 26, Venus in Pisces mingles with Uranus retrograde in Taurus, bringing new people into your life. This energy creates a social buzz and is great for spending time with friends and collaborating with others. You could take a creative or romantic risk! People also crave novelty and new experiences.
Mercury, the planet of the mind, moves into Aquarius on January 27. You’re focused on the future and building community. Aquarius is concerned with the collective, and you’re reminded of the power that lies within community and when people come together for a common purpose. This can also have you more focused on working toward some of your aspirations for the future or nurturing new friendships. Venus pre-retrograde shadow period begins on January 28, which means you’ll start to pick up themes and topics regarding your personal Venus retrograde story that begins on March 1. Pay attention to relationship themes and issues, and do your best not to brush anything under the rug.
A new moon in Aquarius on January 29 reminds you to put yourself—and your ideas—out there! You might also find yourself drawn toward a new goal, dream, or ideal that you want to commit to. You’re feeling inspired and ready to take a risk when Uranus retrograde in Taurus ends on January 30. New solutions can present themselves out of thin air, and you’re prepared to move in a new direction. On the same day, January 30, the sun in Aquarius connects with Jupiter retrograde in Gemini, inspiring hope and bringing positive news your way. You could make progress on a goal, or simply feel confident in who you are and where you’re headed next.
The vibes are dreamy and romantic when Venus in Pisces links up with Neptune in Pisces at the same point in the sky on February 1. While this energy can stir up passion and heartfelt conversations, it can also be easy to miss red flags. Keep one foot on the ground and listen to your gut if something seems too good to be true. On the same day, Venus in Pisces meets with the North Node in Pisces, and interactions with others feel fated. You could meet someone who feels karmic, make a decision in a relationship, or sign a contract that feels destined in some way.
Sunday, January 26: Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
Sunday, January 26: Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus retrograde in Taurus
Sunday, January 26: Mercury in Capricorn sextile North Node in Pisces
Monday, January 27: Mercury enters Aquarius
Tuesday, January 28: Venus Retrograde in Pisces Pre-Shadow Begins
Tuesday, January 28 Moon enters Aquarius
Thursday, January 30: Uranus Direct in Taurus
Thursday, January 30: Sun in Aquarius trine Jupiter retrograde in Gemini
Saturday, February 1: Venus in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces
Saturday, February 1: Venus in Pisces conjunct North Node in Pisces
You’re feeling inspired, Aries, once Mercury moves into Aquarius on January 27. You’re motivated to come up with a plan to bring some of your dreams to life. You could also receive news about collaborative projects or from people who can help you make important moves and decisions regarding your goals. You’re also in a more social mood and eager to nurture community and the friendships around you.
There’s a change in your resources when Uranus goes direct in Taurus on January 30. You could leave a job on a whim, or a contract ends unexpectedly. You also may receive a payment out of the blue—or a job offer! This is not the best day to make an impromptu purchase or random investment. Hang off from swiping your credit card excessively, if possible.
You’re overdue for a cat nap when Venus in Pisces links up with Neptune in Pisces on February 1. If you’ve been burning the candle at both ends, it’s time to extinguish the flame. You could be feeling worn down and emotionally exhausted. This is a critical moment to prioritize your well-being and to slow down. Resist the temptation to give in to FOMO! You could also experience a sweet visit from a loved one through a dream—pay attention to symbols and messages that come through.
You’re making big moves regarding your life path and direction, Taurus, when Mercury enters Aquarius on January 27. This is your invitation to reflect on your current goals and whether or not they still feel aligned and meaningful. You’re also in a position to gain attention and recognition, so if it’s a raise or promotion, you’re after—ask for what you deserve! This is also helpful energy for making progress on some of your long-term goals and connecting you with people who can help make your dreams a reality.
It’s time to show the world a new side of yourself when Uranus goes direct, in your sign, on January 30. Your inner rebel is coming out full force and you don’t care who you shock or surprise along the way! This is a powerful day to reinvent yourself and reintroduce yourself to the world! You could decide to chase after an ambitious personal goal or experiment with your self-expression or sense of style in bold ways.
One of your dreams can come true thanks to a friend’s help when Venus in Pisces teams up with Neptune in Pisces on February 1. Leaning on your network and asking for support can bring big rewards! This is not the day to miss out on a networking event or happy hour with friends. This definitely delivers some luck and in-the-right-place-at-the-right-time kind of energy.
New conversations capture your attention, Gemini, once Mercury enters Aquarius on January 27. This is a lucky and productive time for brainstorming and following your curiosity. You might be in the mood to learn something new or sign up for an online class. Ideas you come up with now leave you feeling inspired and hopeful about the direction you’re heading. The next few weeks are also a fun time to travel and soak up new experiences and vistas.
Here comes a breakthrough in your subconscious when Uranus goes direct in Taurus on January 30. A moment of illumination could come through a dream or even a glaringly obvious symbol in your waking life. You could feel like you’re seeing clearly for the first time and more aware of the patterns or behaviors you’re ready to disrupt.
Your creativity stands out thanks to Venus in Pisces and Neptune in Pisces linking up on February 1. People are drawn to you like a moth to a flame! This is lovely energy for taking a creative or romantic risk and wearing your heart on your sleeve. You could also have a meaningful and heartfelt interaction with someone special in your life.
You’re craving depth and connection, Cancer, once Mercury moves into Aquarius on January 27. The next few weeks encourage you to embrace emotional courage and to be vulnerable with those you love and trust most. This can be a great time to bond with a lover or grow closer to a roommate or BFF. You could also be more focused on your budget and getting your finances in order.
You’re making progress on some of your goals when Uranus goes direct in Taurus on January 30. You could mingle with interesting people today or learn about unexpected opportunities. You’re also in a more adventurous mood, and pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone can help you meet new friends and develop interesting ideas that might bring you closer to some of your goals.
Conversations are tender and emotional when Venus in Pisces meets with Neptune in Pisces on February 1. The planets align to give you the confidence to tell someone you love them or, at the very least, how grateful you are for them. You could also book a trip to a bucket-list destination or land a new contact that focuses on your creative talent.
You’re ready to take the next step in the name of love, Leo, once Mercury moves into Aquarius on January 27. Relationships are your priority—whether it’s tending the flame of a romantic connection or spending more time with a creative or business partner to get a project off the ground. This can also bring more client and contract work your way. Singles might also consider settling down with someone special.
You’re showing the world a new side of yourself thanks to Uranus going direct in Taurus on January 30. There’s a shift and shocking change in direction regarding your career and public reputation. You have something bold to say, and you’re showing up and saying it with your whole heart! What you share today and your decisions could surprise others, leaving you feeling embodied and authentic.
Your hidden desires are fully displayed when Venus in Pisces links up with Neptune in Pisces on February 1. The skies are steamy, and you could spend a fair share of your day between the sheets with a lover! You could also be more emotional and grateful for your chosen family and your emotional support system. Practically, this can also bring creative ideas and contracts your way.
You’re ready to change some of your habits, Virgo, when Mercury enters Aquarius on January 27. Your day-to-day life could also pick up—you might hop from meeting to meeting, feeling a bit overwhelmed with all you’re juggling on a regular basis. Ultimately, being this busy can help you recognize where you could use a helping hand or set a helpful boundary.
Conversations shift your perspective when Uranus goes direct in Taurus on January 30. You might learn a piece of intriguing information that feels disruptive or shocking. It’s also possible you have something to share that surprises others. You might decide to commit to learning something new or have a surge of creative energy that you want to channel into a new passion project.
You’re feeling so grateful for your loved ones when Venus in Pisces teams up with Neptune in Pisces on February 1. It’s easy to feel like you’re living in a romantic comedy today and all is going well in your close relationships. For some, this very well may be true, but for others, it will be really easy to miss red flags and gloss over issues in all types of relationships. Try to keep one foot on the ground and be mindful if anything seems too good to be true.
Lucky news finds you, Libra, once Mercury moves into Aquarius on January 27. You could be inspired to spend more time with your creative passions or hobbies that bring you joy. This is also a lovely period for self-expression and gaining attention from your fans and followers! Put your work and talents out there, and don’t be afraid to shine. Romantically, you could also decide to start dating or reignite the passion within your relationship(s).
You’re processing some of your big feelings when Uranus goes direct in Taurus on January 30. There could be feelings or memories you’ve ignored that are breaking free and demanding some attention. While the energy can feel emotional and challenging, this can spark a personal metamorphosis and cathartic breakthrough that helps you heal.
The mundane feels magical when Venus in Pisces links up with Neptune in Pisces on February 1. You’re feeling more interconnected with the world around you. You also feel confident asking for help when you need it most and are eager to lend a helping hand to those in need. Singles could also meet a potential lover in the most mundane of places—like while at the gym, pumping gas, or at the grocery store!
Home is where your heart and focus are, Scorpio, once Mercury enters Aquarius on January 27. The next few weeks help you have important conversations with family members and roommates. There could be some feelings you need to share or information that you learn that can help you re-establish trust and a deeper connection with the people you cherish most. You could also make important decisions regarding a living situation.
Your relationships experience some shake-ups when Uranus goes direct in Taurus on January 30. Your status quo experiences disruptions, whether with a lover, boss, BFF, or family member. You could have a breakthrough or share a new, novel experience—or maybe you need to break free or set an unexpected boundary. You could also meet some odd but intriguing people today, too.
Follow your joy when Venus in Pisces connects with Neptune in Pisces on February 1. You’re in the mood to create and self-express. Leading with your heart and letting your inner child call the shots will bring you some added luck and joy. This can also be an incredibly romantic day for a first date or telling someone you love them!
You’re sharing what’s on your mind, Sagittarius, when Mercury enters Aquarius on January 27. Your schedule can also pick up, but you’re doing fun things—like attending friends’ birthday parties or connecting more with people IRL. This can also bring new contracts and projects your way. You have extra help to shake old limiting beliefs and change the way you speak to yourself.
Say goodbye to your bad habits when Uranus goes direct in Taurus on January 30. You could receive the final kick and assurance to change your patterns and routine. There could also be a major shift in your daily life—like traveling more for work, joining a new club, or recommitting to a project that feels aligned, authentic, and liberating in some way.
The past hits hard when Venus in Pisces teams up with Neptune in Pisces on February 1. Let the feelings flow through you, and acknowledge the past and emotions you’ve neglected. This is a beautiful day for a good cry and to feel both grateful and grief for past situations. Feeling will help you heal and bring you closer to those you appreciate dearly.
You’re focused on your budget, Capricorn, when Mercury enters Aquarius on January 27. This is a busy time for negotiating new contracts, applying for jobs, or asking for a raise. You could also have a new, bright idea for a side business or a new way to resource yourself. This energy is also helpful for developing a financial plan and sticking with a budget.
Luck is on your side when Uranus goes direct in Taurus on January 30. Taking a risk can lead to unexpected breakthroughs. You could meet a potential lover randomly today or even experience a surge of creative or passionate energy. Putting yourself out there—whether in romance or sharing your work with others—will help you accelerate rapidly toward your dream life and the desires you’ve been calling in.
Conversations are vulnerable and revealing when Venus in Pisces mingles with Neptune in Pisces on February 1. This is a cosmically aligned moment to wear your heart on your sleeve, which can be hard for our beloved sea-goat! Expressing yourself will break open your heart and deepen your relationships. You could also sign a dream contract or commit to a project that involves your creative side.
It’s time to focus on yourself, Aquarius, once Mercury moves into your sign on January 27. The next few weeks encourage you to focus on yourself and yourself alone! This is a lucky time to set new personal goals, and the relationships you form now can stand the test of time. You also feel more confident advocating for yourself and asking for what you desire in your closest connections.
You’re breaking cycles and releasing the past when Uranus goes direct in Taurus on January 30. You could feel more sentimental and tender as you reflect on memories and patterns in your family that you’re ready to leave behind. This is helpful energy for wiping the slate clean. You could also learn a family secret, surprising news about a loved one, or make a spur-of-the-moment decision about your living situation.
You’re making decisions about your professional life based on your intuition when Venus in Pisces links up with Neptune in Pisces on February 1. Maybe you’re gaining attention at work for a creative solution you share with a boss or how you can problem-solve. Your intuition is also a guiding force and can help you stack some extra cash when you lean into it and follow your gut impulses.
You’re craving some alone time, Pisces, once Mercury moves into Aquarius on January 27. Over the next few weeks, you might feel more overwhelmed by everyone and everything going on around you. Ensuring you get some time alone can bring you peace of mind. Your intuition also gets a boost, so listen to it. You may also need to set boundaries, end cycles, or step away from any type of commitment that’s leaving you feeling drained or underappreciated.
Information you learn feels shocking and surprising when Uranus goes direct in Taurus on January 30. Conversations can feel jarring or even inspiring—it’s hard to tell with unpredictable Uranus! This can also inspire a breakthrough or new, exciting idea you want to pursue. You could also decide to go back to school on a whim or make unexpected progress on a writing project. The key today is to connect with your voice and speak your truth!
You’re the main character when Venus and Neptune, are both in your signs, on February 1. The energy is compassionate, romantic, creative, and lucky! You can use this energy however you see fit. You might feel like going on a first date, spending the day with a lover, or channeling your creative energy into a meaningful project or personal goal.
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