As we prepare to enter a new year, the stars have aligned to kick off your weekly horoscope for December 31, 2023 to January 6, 2024 with a rush of productive energy: The moon enters methodical Virgo early on December 31. It will be easy to adopt a jovial spirit when the moon also mingles with supportive Jupiter that afternoon.
The new year begins with some major planetary shifts on January 1 when love-planet Venus in Sagittarius clashes with taskmaster Saturn in Pisces in a tough square. Relationships will take on a more serious tone, and you may feel emotionally distant from someone.
Relationships will take on a more serious tone, and you may feel emotionally distant from someone.
Fortunately, some relief arrives on the same day as Mercury retrograde comes to an end. This could bring you back to conversations that unfolded on November 25 (the last time Mercury moved through the same spot in the sky) and December 12 (the day Mercury retrograde began), and you could find more clarity as to your path forward.
After a brief period of tension or confusion on January 2, as the moon in Virgo opposes dreamy Neptune in Pisces, you’ll return to a level-headed mindset by the evening when the moon enters Libra. And by January 4, you’ll also feel that much more efficient and productive going after a goal with action planet Mars entering pragmatic Capricorn (where it’s said to be exalted, or achieve the fullest expression of its energy) for the next month and a half.
The first week of 2024 doesn’t end without a few emotions bubbling to the surface, though, when the sun squares off against the asteroid Chiron (which symbolizes our deepest wounds) on January 6. You could certainly feel triggered—but you may also be able to witness your own growth and choose to respond differently… or not at all.
To get a closer look at what these cosmic shifts have in store for you, read on to find your sign’s weekly horoscope for December 31, 2023 to January 6, 2024. (Note: You’ll want to check your sun sign and your rising sign for the best idea of what to expect.)
Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full January 2024 horoscope, or take a broader look at your yearly 2024 horoscope.
Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from December 31, 2023 to January 6, 2024
- Sunday, December 31: Moon enters Virgo
- Monday, January 1: Venus in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces
- Monday, January 1: Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius ends
- Tuesday, January 2: Moon enters Libra
- Wednesday, January 3: Last quarter moon in Libra
- Thursday, January 4: Mars enters Capricorn
- Friday, January 5: Moon enters Scorpio
- Saturday, January 6: Sun in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries
Weekly horoscope by zodiac sign for December 31, 2023 to January 6, 2024

You could encounter some limiting beliefs as the year kicks off, Aries, due to Venus clashing with Saturn. Conversations that occur on January 1 may activate some of the fears that linger within your subconscious mind. If you’ve been hit with a reality check about your path forward, now is the time to devise a plan and stick with it. Fortunately, Mercury retrograde ends on the same day, reconnecting you with a source of inspiration.
The last quarter moon in Libra on January 3 asks you to let go of what others think of you and their expectations for you. As the first sign of the zodiac, you’re meant to blaze your own trail, and this will require following your gut and investing in relationships that feel truly supportive.
Once Mars enters Capricorn on January 4, you’re ready to put in the hard work required to bring some of your goals to fruition. You’re more strategic than normal and better able to make progress on even the most difficult of tasks.

A source of support you were hoping for may fall through on January 1, Taurus, when Venus (your ruling planet) and Saturn square off. Financially, funds could be delayed, and emotionally, a friend could let you down or reveal a stroke of jealousy.
Thankfully, a cosmic blessing arrives on the same day, when Mercury ends its retrograde. This can bring a moment of clarity regarding your past and encourage you to move on from what no longer serves you with grace.
The last quarter moon in Libra on January 3 invites you to rework your daily routine to create more space for a goal you’ve been hoping to achieve. If you’ve been overwhelmed with a personal or professional obligation, you may need to ask for support or relinquish some of your duties. Once Mars enters Capricorn on January 4, you may be traveling more and sharing your thoughts, ideas, and feelings far and wide. You’re no longer afraid of a little confrontation!

For you, Gemini, the Venus-Saturn square on January 1 could reveal harsh truths about your closest relationships. You may feel temporarily isolated or rejected, or you may need to set new expectations or boundaries with a partner.
Luckily, Mercury retrograde ends on the same day, bringing insight on how you’d like to move forward with your partnerships. If an ex re-entered your life during the retrograde, you’re ready to either dismiss them… or invite them wholly back into your sphere.
The last quarter moon in Libra on January 3 reminds you that investing in your own pleasure and joy is a necessary thing. In order to do so, you may need to break free from any rules or contracts in relationships (whether spoken or unspoken) that leave you feeling depleted or unfulfilled.
When action-planet Mars enters Capricorn on January 4, you may be energized to get your monetary affairs in order and work toward clearing debt. Emotionally, that might also look like severing ties with people or partnerships you’ve outgrown. Just remember: When one door closes, another can open.

It may be time for you to make a sacrifice or significant change when it comes to your daily routine, Cancer. The clash between Venus and Saturn on January 1 could have you realizing that to bring some of your desires into existence will require commitment, structure, and kicking certain bad habits. As Mercury retrograde ends on the same day, the communication planet illuminates which part(s) of your daily life are worthy of renegotiating.
The last quarter moon in Libra on January 3 brings an important turning point to some of your personal relationships, especially with your chosen family. You may be tasked with letting go of an illusion of who you thought someone was, or perhaps you’re ready to let bygones be bygones with a particular friend or family member.
When Mars moves into Capricorn on January 4, it stirs up some drama in your relationships. A partner—whether romantic, business, or platonic—may be managing a difficult time and require more of your care and attention. This Mars transit can also bring you a busier time for work and contracts; just beware of jealous onlookers and others around you who may not have your best interests at heart.

As the year begins, you may be hit with a reality check when it comes to a personal project you’ve been pursuing, Leo. The Venus-Saturn square reminds you of the need to invest your time, energy, and financial resources with care. A temporary setback could hinder your progress, but thankfully, as Mercury goes direct on the same day, you could also receive some unexpected positive news.
The last quarter moon in Libra on January 3 asks you to have the tough conversations you’ve been avoiding. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with your schedule or routine, don’t be afraid to say no to others or set boundaries in the name of your well-being.
Once Mars enters Capricorn on January 4, your daily schedule will pick up, as will your personal responsibilities. You could be taking on more obligations or investing your energy into a project that requires much effort. Tough interactions will help you relearn who and what is truly worth your most precious resource: your time.

You may feel the need to set firmer boundaries in familial relationships on January 1, Virgo, as Venus squares off with Saturn. The energy is anything but cozy and nostalgic; instead, your past is informing you of what you’ve had enough of and are ready to leave behind. On the same day, the end of Mercury retrograde will usher in a deeper understanding of your upbringing, family dynamics, or living situation.
The last quarter moon in Libra on January 3 encourages you to reflect on whether you’re spreading yourself too thin. Who and what is worthy of your investment? You may need to release a certain goal or clear space in your schedule so you can find a more functional balance between your pleasures and professional responsibilities.
As energetic Mars enters Capricorn on January 4, you’re laser-focused on a project that brings you joy and moves you closer to what you desire. Your romantic life can also get a boost; this is an aligned time to put yourself out there. Your magnetism is off the charts, and you may start to notice new compliments pouring in from every direction.

You could be dishing out—or receiving—harsh truths on January 1 when your ruling planet Venus confronts tough Saturn, Libra. Words and conversations can feel somber, and you may need to make a sacrifice in your daily routine or strengthen your boundaries. Given that Mercury retrograde ends on the same day, some of your misunderstandings may begin to clear up, however, and you could experience a moment of clarity.
The last quarter moon in Libra on January 3 may be more sensitive for you, as it moves through your sign. You’re considering the ways in which you’re ready to grow and evolve, and which old versions of yourself you’re ready to leave in the past.
When Mars enters Capricorn on January 4, it emphasizes a very private sector of your chart. Practically speaking, you may be ready to declutter at home. Emotionally, this shift invites you to release baggage from your past. Setting clear boundaries with family members and around your personal time will be key.

You may have to turn down an enticing opportunity on January 1, Scorpio, when Venus squares Saturn. It’s time to be realistic about your budget, particularly if you’ve been overspending. Fortunately, on the same day, Mercury ends its retrograde, and any money-related delays—conversations about a raise that have been paused, deposits that have been missing—will finally come to an end.
The last quarter moon in Libra on January 3 encourages you to let go of a limiting belief, outdated thought pattern, or deep fear. Flashes of intuitive insight may also find you at the most unexpected of moments throughout the day.
As action-oriented Mars enters Capricorn on January 4, your life also picks up speed. Discussions move along quickly, and this is an aligned time for you to negotiate.

Given that Venus is in your sign when it confronts Saturn on January 1, you could start the year with a tough revelation, Sagittarius. In order for you to fully embody the most authentic version of yourself, you may have to make a personal sacrifice or set stricter boundaries in your personal relationships. Sobering news about your family or the past can also pop up. Thankfully, Mercury goes direct in your sign on the same day, delivering the kind of insight that will help you better see the path forward.
The last quarter moon in Libra on January 3 asks you to reconsider your hopes and dreams for the future and the ways in which you are currently investing in those desires… or not. Could you use a course correction?
When Mars enters Capricorn on January 4, your attention is turned to your finances. As work picks up over the coming weeks, this is an important time to advocate for your worth and negotiate a contract or a raise. Some unexpected expenses may also come up so it’d be worth your while to reign in any miscellaneous spending.

You may feel a deep heaviness—a wave of self-doubt or pessimism—when Venus forms a tough square with your planetary ruler Saturn on January 1, Capricorn. Know that these feelings are temporary; you’re facing the harsh truths about some of your biggest desires, so you can create a realistic plan to bring them into existence. On the same day, however, Mercury retrograde ends, sending an important message to you through your dreams or spiritual practices. Pay attention to the signs and synchronicities around you.
The last quarter moon in Libra on January 3 may require you to make some adjustments in your personal and professional lives. If you’ve been hyper-focused on your reputation, it’s possible you’ve veered off path from some of your personal goals and ambitions. What can you shift in order to create space for those overlooked desires?
When Mars enters your sign on January 4, you could feel even more motivated than usual to chase after a goal. You’re also more magnetic… which could mean you may also confront some jealous people in your orbit.

You could encounter some friction on the path toward a personal goal, Aquarius, as Venus and Saturn clash on January 1. Perhaps you lose the support of a collaborator or find that you’ve miscalculated what’s feasible for you to do or achieve. Fortunately, on the same day, Mercury ends its retrograde, which could turn your attention toward a new project or have you reconsidering an old offer.
The last quarter moon in Libra on January 3 puts you in a very liminal space. It may be harder to focus, and you could feel like you’re stuck in a daydream. Engaging in spiritual practices or meditative work can help guide you toward a breakthrough that will inform the next steps on your path.
When action-planet Mars enters Capricorn on January 4, beware of bottling up your feelings. You may be in a self-sacrificing mood, which can have a negative effect on your well-being. This is a powerful time to cut ties with anyone or anything that no longer serves you and get clear on boundaries regarding your personal time and rest.

You may start the year off with the need to make a personal or professional sacrifice, Pisces, when Saturn (which is in your sign) squares off with Venus. Expect a feeling of disappointment as it relates to work or a personal project—but know that this is temporary, particularly as Mercury ends its retrograde on the same day. In due time, you’ll gain recognition for the effort you’ve been putting toward a major milestone.
The last quarter moon in Libra on January 3 asks you to investigate your relationships of all kinds. Which connections leave you feeling energized, seen, and supported, and which leave you feeling depleted? Your social circle could use some editing as you realize your time and energy are more precious than ever.
When action-oriented Mars enters Capricorn on January 4, it pushes you to go after one of your hopes and dreams for the future. You’re more strategic than usual and can make amazing progress on some of your desires. Just know that this could also bring tension to certain friendships, and you may need to adjust accordingly.
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