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The 30-Minute Yoga Flow To Promote Balance and Longevity

Hustle culture has us working harder and longer—and it’s taking a toll on our health. But research shows that even short breaks during the day can spell big health benefits. So go ahead and give yourself a break (literally); Wellness Recess will provide you with the inspo you need to add more balance— and fun—to your day. See More

Unless you’re a ballerina, improving your balance may not seem all that crucial to you in the scheme of things; it’s not like you often find yourself needing to stand stably on just one foot, after all. But strong balance doesn’t just improve pirouettes, it improves all athletic performance. More importantly, it helps you complete everyday tasks, too—especially as you age. For these reasons, BK Yoga Club co-founder Alicia Ferguson has made achieving equilibrium a focus of the latest episode of Good Moves, wherein she demos a 30-minute yoga flow for balance.

Experts In This Article
  • Alicia Ferguson, certified yoga practitioner and creative wellness entrepreneur

Ferguson’s flow isn’t just about being steady on your feet: it’s about finding balance and strength mentally, too. So as she runs through a series of stretches which move into a short vinyasa flow, she talks you through the emotional side of things as well. This begins with the setting of an intention. “Today the intention I’m flowing with is…I invite you to fill in the blank,” she says. “I move with grace, with love, with strength. Maybe it’s with courage.”

With that guiding force in mind, she then leads you through familiar yoga poses such as cat/cow, warrior one, warrior two, chair pose, bridge pose, and more. The flow is slow and steady, but powerful, and it’ll definitely get you wobbling as you strive to achieve the bliss that is balance.

There is almost no way to accomplish all that’s required of modern life with any semblance of balance; some (read: most) days, you will wobble, so to speak. But this flow can help you find your center again—press play to get steadier on your feet, and in your mind, stat.

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