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There’s a Class in Canada Where You Do Yoga Poses With Bunnies

woman holding bunny

Photo: Stocksy/Duet Postscriptum

There are so many things to do in Canada: You can hang out at some hot springs, hike beautiful trails, and even make your own maple syrup. But what about bunny yoga? It’s a real thing, folks—and it might be worth planning a whole trip around doing.

Though you can have a yoga sesh with pretty much any animal on Old MacDonald’s farm at this point, Sunberry Fitness—a women’s fitness center based in British Columbia—added a new furry friend to the mix. The studio wanted to add some fluffiness to its classes (for a good cause!) and thus created a session in which yogis downward dog among their carrot-eating companions.

Spotted by PureWow, the Bunny Yoga class—which is beginner- and children-friendly—follows a simple flow that allows the bunnies to roam the room, buddying up with people they like. Furthermore, the class also helps to save the bunnies: Some proceeds go to paying for food, hay, and medical bills at the local shelter Bandaids for Bunnies.

So what are you waiting for? Go see all that Canada has to offer—and hop over to this fun class while visiting the friendly nation to the north.

Want to take things up a notch? Try doing horseback yoga. Or just check out these thoughts everyone has during yoga class.

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