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This ‘Quick and Spicy’ Pilates Workout Spikes Your Heart Rate by Amping Up Exercises You Already Know

When you’re short on time (or motivation), sometimes a 10-minute workout is all you can manage. And while it may be short and sweet, it’s still effective: There are tons of benefits to adding just 10 minutes of movement to your day. If you need some inspo to get moving, look no further. This episode of Trainer of the Month Club features Clara Baini, physical therapist and founder of Good Day Pilates, leading you through 10 minutes of cardio Pilates.

The workout begins with squats, which Baini calls the “home base” for the next nine minutes—she thinks of this move as the “grounded version” of the amplified squares you’re going to work up to. So it’s extra important to make sure you practice good form. Begin with your feet hip-distance apart and parallel. “Really think about folding your hips and flaring your sit bones on the way down,” Baini says. “And then emphasis on pressing the feet down as you drive the hips back up.” From there, the workout builds intensity by adding calf raises and then jumps to the squats.

Don’t worry, you won’t be squatting for the entire time. The squats transition into a high plank with toe taps (and then jumping both feet out, if you’re feeling it), which leads into jumping split squats. And that’s all in the first six minutes! (Is anyone else tired just reading about the workout?)

To get the rest of the workout, press play on the video above.

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