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The Influence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, May Make This Week Feel Sorrowful

chiron square mercury

Photo: Getty Images/Marcos Calva

On July 15th, Chiron, a centaur who has the characteristics of both a comet and an asteroid, stationed retrograde at 12° of Aries. And as this week begins, we’ll feel the influence of Chiron square Mercury, the planet of communication, who is also in the cardinal sign of Cancer.

Chiron, who is commonly referred to as the “wounded healer,” helps us foster intimacy with our pain and develop game-changing compassion for ourselves and others. The Chiron square to Mercury happens early in the day on Monday, so it’s important for us to get grounded. The impact of the Chiron square to Mercury may feel sorrowful—but remember, there’s nothing wrong with feeling sorrow’s pangs, so long as we honor it appropriately.

The impact of the Chiron square to Mercury may feel sorrowful—but remember, there’s nothing wrong with feeling sorrow’s pangs, so long as we honor it appropriately.

To support yourself with honoring the feelings that come up with Chiron square Mercury, consider journaling first thing in the morning on Monday or taking a long lunch alone so you can check in with yourself. Allow yourself the space you need, and if you can under-schedule the day (even if this means rescheduling something else!), please do.

With the majority of the outer planets now retrograde, it’s essential to take a step back from your calendar (and life) and begin the hard work of discerning what truly belongs on your schedule. Remember, 2021 is a year that helps us bridge the past with our future. As the year forges forward, work to rethink your plans and begin to identify the most up-to-date vision for yourself and your life.

Given the emotional growth that the pandemic forced upon us, we’ve changed. And cosmically speaking, we are in a prime moment to rethink how the remaining months of 2021 will take shape and take a crack at another fresh start—because that’s precisely what’s emerging.

To complement this, Venus, who impacts how we view and experience our values, moves from Leo into Virgo on July 21st. Venus in Virgo asks us to get into the details and appreciate the opportunity for refinement. Venus will be in Virgo until she moves into Libra on August 16th. Then, come Thursday the 22nd, the sun exits Cancer and enters into Leo. The sun’s shift from Cancer to Leo further inspires a connection to authenticity and joy. So, allow this to feel fun!

This action-packed week also boasts a peculiar full moon: the full buck moon at 1° of Aquarius, which is the first of two full moons in Aquarius, with the second coming next month. With the moon opposite the sun, Mercury opposite Pluto, and Jupiter opposite of both Mars and Venus, we know this full moon will carry conflict. Perhaps the contrast between old commitments and viewpoints comes up against your emerging fresh start in a way that asks you to find your center and trust yourself. Remember, the planets may be in opposition, but that doesn’t preclude working harmoniously with our inner knowing.

It’s essential right now to permit ourselves to revise our expectations of ourselves, others, and the anticipated events of our lives. This full moon will offer us a peek into just what those revisions ought to be.

Thankfully Mercury in Cancer makes a glorious trine to Neptune on Saturday, assuring that sweet vibes prevail as we get the nuances of intuition all the more intensely. Saturday is a great day to close your eyes and spend time meditating. Jupiter will soon retrograde back to Aquarius next week, so be sure to tap into the glorious Pisces vibes come the weekend. Neptune rules our dreams, and his connection to Mercury offers inspiration and healing. Meanwhile, Jupiter in Pisces (he’s been in Pisces since mid-May) promises spiritual growth for all who seek it.

Jennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic—a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women’s health—which she uses to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success. Order her book, Cosmic Health, here.

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