This New Brand Pairs CBD With MCT Oil to Make It More Bioavailable to the Body

Photo: Getty Image/Westend61
I don't think a day goes by in which I don't receive a sample or get an email about a product containing CBD. It's for good reason, of course. Cannabidiol—or CBD for short—is a wellness ingredient that has become increasingly coveted for its anti-inflammatory, stress-reducing, and sleep-enhancing benefits. And good news on that front: According to one brand, apparently by pairing CBD together with MCT oil, the ingredient becomes even more bioavailable to the body.

Feals, the brand-new company (launching today!), is attempting to make CBD understandable by using only two ingredients: CBD and MCT oil. "There are two ingredients in our product: 100 percent organic MCT oil as a carrier oil, and all-natural hemp," says the brand's co-founder Drew Todd, who sources the star ingredient from organic farms in Oregon and Colorado. "Our formulation and process really ties into what we're doing with the company, the ethos of simple is better, and less is more."

feals cbd
Photo: Feals

In the name of simplicity, Feals' CBD oil comes with a dropper that has easy-to-read hash marks so you know how much you're getting. You can choose between three different strengths: 600 mg ($75), 1200 mg ($135), and 2400 mg ($245) per bottle respectively. Or, opt for Feals' CBD Flight, a $20 buy with three vials of different oil dosages so you can figure out which is right for you.

So just how do you use it and why the MCT? "MCT has medium triglycerides in it—which is a super healthy, fast-digesting fat that's used as a brain food and serves as a carrier oil for CBD," says Todd. "It allows the CBD to be digested by the system and enter the bloodstream quicker than any other alternatives—so it increases the CBD's bioavailability to your body." Todd himself even drinks it as a CBD-laced Bulletproof coffee in the mornings: "I put Feals in my coffee in the morning and I find that it gets rid of my caffeine jitters and just gives me a calm edge while still getting the wakefulness of caffeine," he tells me. A few other CBD brands are hip to the bioavailability factor and incorporate MCT as well, like Rosebud and Hemplucid, for example.

Here's the thing though: Feals' best attribute is actually the fact that if you have a question (like: how do I use this? or how do I know this is working? or why the MCT?) you can dial in or email a hotline to have every last one answered. Because CBD can be confusing to use, but with small steps like this and transparency in formulas, the ingredient can become easier to understand.

Speaking of cannabidiol, here are the benefits of a CBD shower (yes, you can shower in the ingredient). And this is what happened when one editor tested a CBD shampoo.

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