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This 30-Minute Full-Body Pilates Routine Activates Every Muscle Without a Single Piece of Equipment

One of the things I missed most during the pandemic were in-person fitness classes, so when the world began opening back up, I figured I would ditch home workouts forever. But as it turns out, I can’t “unsee” how much easier (and cheaper!) it can be to squeeze in a quickie workout on my laptop than it is to commute to a studio, and some days you just can’t manage the latter. Fortunately, the latest episode of Good Moves offers the perfect home workout for the days when you can’t, or don’t want to, leave home: A 30-minute full-body Pilates routine.

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“I’m so excited today to take you through this longer workout,” says Chloe De Winter of Go Chlo Pilates, who demos the routine. “Remember to always listen to your body. Take breaks if you need, whenever you need, but we’re just going to move our bodies and feel good in our bodies, and that’s about it.”

Well, that’s not quite it, as she fails to mention the burn you’ll also be feeling as you work through this routine. It’s a slow burn, brought on by a series of deceptively challenging positions that work for all levels of Pilates experience. All the classics are here: alternating leg and arm lifts from tabletop position, squats, oblique crunches, and more.

Not totally sold on 30 minutes of hard work today? Consider the myriad benefits of Pilates, including improved posture, increased flexibility, better balance, enhanced performance in other workouts, and reduced back pain. Then press play, because without the excuses of “no time” or “I can’t afford it,” what valid reason can you possibly have left to sit this one out?

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