OK, TMI: Why are my nipples so damn sensitive? 

Asking yourself "Why are my nipples sensitive?" in a non-sexual situation is not fun. Here, three experts tell us common reasons for nipple sensitivity.

Photo: Getty Images /<br />Tara Moore

Feel a Cold Coming On? This 1 Natural Remedy Can Help (and No, It’s Not Vitamin C)

Move over, citrus.

close up of wild garlic flower and leaves on a wooden table, wooden cutting board, and next to a wooden spoon and glass bowl because garlic can help a cold
Photo: Stocksy/Neil Warburton

5 Things an RD Has on Their Health and Wellness Checklist for 2025

Want this year to be your healthiest one ever? Use this RD's 2025 wellness checklist to help make it happen.

Photo: Bayer One A Day