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How to Get the Most Out of Your Holiday Week, According to Our Rockstar Astrologer

horoscope holiday week christmas

Photo: Stocksy/Lumina

After a week with two major celestial events (a new moon on Monday, plus the winter solstice on Thursday), plus general holiday crazy-busyness, it’s time for a break—if you’re lucky enough to get this week off. What to expect during the week of December 25–31? Astrologer Jennifer Racioppi is here with wellness-friendly celestial predictions for everyone, no matter what your sun sign is.

December 25

Venus, the planet of love and beauty, exits fiery Sagittarius and enters Capricorn today, meeting up with taskmaster Saturn. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, today brims with tradition and nostalgia. Should difficult emotions rise to the surface, give yourself permission to feel them—they’ll likely bring a great deal of healing, too. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the day, don’t forget basic self-care. Drink plenty of water, take your vitamins, and be sure to take a 20-minute walk, too.

December 26

Early in the morning, the moon in Aries squares the sun in Capricorn, creating the waxing quarter moon. Now’s the time to consider the intentions you set back at the new moon last week and see what’s percolating. How are you feeling? What’s coming to fruition? The moon in Aries asks you to get into action on your dreams, desires, and goals. So let yourself go even deeper and connect with your most authentic needs. You have the ability to conjure the life you really want. Don’t give up. You got this.

December 27

With the moon waxing in Aries all day, today is the day to get back into your body via working out. You heard me: Sweat. With cardinal, get-it-done vibes afloat, let your body’s needs lead you forward. Give her the attention she requires. Move. Let your body release tension and stress.

December 28

I know it’s winter (for most of us) and it’s cold outside, but getting outside is so crucial to your health and well-being. You need fresh air. So please throw on your coat and go for a walk. As the moon travels through earthy Taurus today, you are primed to feel connected and nourished. Allow yourself to receive and rejuvenate, especially from Mama Earth. Get good and grounded, a la nature. Bonus points: Find a tree and give it a hug.

December 29

With the holiday weekend in full roar and the moon traveling through indulgent Taurus, now’s the time to let down your hair and have a good time. But what do you really want to do? How do you want to celebrate the last weekend of 2017? Before getting whisked away by the momentum of the weekend, take space today to meditate and connect with yourself and consider this: What will honestly be fun for you? Then do that! Simulatensoulsy, conjure the courage to say no to that which doesn’t serve you.

December 30

The friendly Gemini moon may have you socializing like nobodies business. If so, good. As you make time to connect with friends and family, remember that your social connections add to your health — you need healthy relationships to thrive. So be willing to be vulnerable with others and communicate from a place of authentic generosity. Be certain to ask them how they are too, really, and listen. It’s so easy to be with people without really being there. So put your attention today on the quality of connection you experience with others.

December 31

Pop the bubbly and celebrate your success: 2017 was one hell of a wild ride. You did it! With the waxing gibbous moon in full roar, you’ll have lots of lunar support to ring in the new year. Enjoy it. Then, get ready! Because 2018 kicks off with a Cancer full moon, it offers the potential to take your success to the next level. Happy New Year.

Jennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic—a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women’s health—to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success.

Another way to make the holidays count: Get some (cheer-inducing) Netflix time in with family and friends, and serve them these epically good brownies, made with sweet potatoes and avocados.

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