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Your Weekly Wellness Horoscope Is Here! Introducing Cosmic Health

Welcome to Cosmic Health, your day-by-day source of celestial advice—with a wellness twist. Astrologer Jennifer Racioppi is looking to the stars to find out what’s affecting *everyone* this week, when it comes to topics like food, fitness, sleep, sex, and more. 

Monday, October 23

The sun moved into Scorpio early this morning, a sign famously known for excavating truth—so get ready to deepen your understanding of yourself and others. As the sun travels through Scorpio until November 21, you may feel more inclined to prioritize your sex life, too. So much so you may even take a trip to your local erotic boutique. If so, don’t judge yourself. Instead, create space to experience oxytocin-inducing orgasms and explore your turn-on.

Tuesday, October 24

Mercury, the planet of communication, in Scorpio makes a manifesting trine (positive connection) to Neptune, the ruler of dreams, and spiritual development. Pay close attention to what your intuition leads you to today. If signs and omens seemingly guide you, please do follow them! If your intuition feels blocked, give yourself time to journal today. You may just find the exact answer you need via this self-communication tool.

Wednesday, October 25

With the moon in hard-working Capricorn all day, don’t skip your workout. Power through the tough stuff, especially when it comes to exercise (assuming you are at a point in your cycle where that hormonally makes sense for you). Strength train, take a power yoga class, or jump on a bike at spin class. Channel your energy productively. You may just find yourself ready to bust past some previous limitations. And at the very least, you’ll feel a lot better.

Thursday, October 26

Need an extra dose of courage? With the sun conjoining the biggest planet in the universe, Jupiter, today in the sign of Scorpio, the potential for prosperity is unleashed. Seriously. Jupiter is the giver of good luck and good fortune. But be careful not to overindulge when it comes to food, alcohol, or even shopping. Instead, use this aspect to commit to a project (or purpose) near and dear to your heart, and then get to work on behalf of making your dream a reality. Use this auspiciousness wisely. It’s a lucky day!

Friday, October 27

Coming off of yesterday’s cosmic green lights, today has a few stop signs. While Mercury, the planet of communication, travels in Scorpio, he makes a positive angle of support to Pluto, ensuring your ability to communicate with power. However, with loving Venus now in Libra, that creates a harsh connection to powerhouse Pluto. So keep a close eye on jealousy and don’t be afraid to address issues of shame (should they arise). Practice mindful self-compassion or turn to a close confidant and confide in them as needed.

Saturday, October 28

With the moon traveling through freedom-loving Aquarius this weekend, permit yourself to let your freak flag fly. I mean, it’s Saturday after all—and the Saturday before Halloween! Put on a costume, head to a party, connect with your friends, and explore your creativity. Not into Halloween? All good. Just do you. You can’t go wrong.

Sunday, October 29

Later today, the moon moves from freedom-loving Aquarius into sensitive Pisces, so give yourself some space to take care of yourself. Detox the stimulation from the weekend. Practice meditation, do some yin yoga and prioritize restoration. Go within and get some rest. Next week we’ll be in November. Time is flying; but, you can still feel ultra nourished and grounded. So enjoy a self-care Sunday.

Jennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic—a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women’s health—to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success. 

Want to know what the stars have in store for Q4? Check out Racioppi’s career horoscope for the rest of 2017. And for a different form of guidance, check out RockStar Shaman Alyson Charles’ energy horoscope for October

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