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This Summer’s Eclipses May Feel Like Time Travel Back to the Year 2000

horoscope eclipses

Photo: Getty Images/Carlo107

With two eclipses happening in July, it’s the kind of month where old issues are likely to pop up again—specifically, those from back in the year 2000, says astrologer Jennifer Racioppi. So cue the NSYNC, because it’s time to relive the turn of the century, to close the chapter on decades-old problems once and for all. 

Last week’s solar eclipse was the first of two this month, and July 9 marks the halfway point of the two eclipses. (It is also the date of the quarter moon, the midpoint between last week’s new moon and next week’s full moon.)  Eclipses act like brooms, sweeping away the old aspects of our life, and making room for fresh beginnings. This cycle closes out chapters that began in July of 2000.

Eclipses act like brooms, sweeping away the old aspects of our life, and making room for fresh beginnings. This cycle closes out chapters that began in July of 2000.

Eclipses command our attention and bring the shadows into the light. They clear through old stories and patterns that no longer serve you, while inviting what’s yet to come. Because of this, you want to stay aware, giving yourself space to decompress, while simultaneously paying close attention to your emotions. If you can, under-schedule yourself.

The waxing quarter moon, meanwhile, happens at 16 degrees of Libra at 6:54 a.m. on July 9. This quarter moon calls your relationships into focus. Consider how you can prioritize the needs of others without betraying yourself in the process. Pay close attention to what emerges at this time. Obstacles that present themselves now are invitations to more significant growth.

This is not the time to be rigid, but instead to find a place of serenity within. With the sun on the North Node opposing Saturn while squaring the moon, this waxing quarter moon brings a potent dose of truth. Be sure to tend to your spiritual practice.

This waxing quarter moon brings a potent dose of truth. Be sure to tend to your spiritual practice.

If you are still seeking a method that feels appropriate for you, explore what lights you up. Libra asks for balance, justice, beauty, and harmony, after all, and creating these attributes in the world around you begins with anchoring into them within yourself.

Mercury retrograde is officially here…

With July in full throttle, especially with Mercury in retrograde, now’s the time to settle into a slower summer rhythm. Mercury stationed retrograde on July 7 in Leo and will retrograde back into Cancer on July 19, finally wrapping up its retrograde journey on July 31. Between now and then, we all stand to learn and grow substantial amounts—especially as it relates to listening to our heart, forgiving past mistakes, and letting old wounds heal.

The Mercury retrograde cycles provide an opportunity to review and revise where you’ve been and listen to the voice of your soul. It’s here to help heal the heart so that we can access higher dimensions of love, understanding, and forgiveness.

Regardless though, thanks to Mercury, the Monday following the U.S. Fourth of July holiday weekend may feel abrupt, and intense. On July 8, Mercury and Mars conjoin while the sun and Saturn oppose one another. Simultaneously, Venus also squares Chiron.

To soften this, take time on Monday morning to prioritize your goals for the week. Look at your calendar. Is everything scheduled appropriately? You may even want to confirm meetings with others to assure that you are on the same page. With the summer rhythm here, and Mercury potentially creating snafus, establishing your availability and commitments ahead of time helps you not waste time later. Double-check the details.

…and there’s more intensity on the way

On July 11 Mars and Uranus make a harsh angle, known as a square. However, at the same time, Mars trines Chiron, indicating your healing process becomes activated, and the sun simultaneously trines Neptune, meaning your intuition shines through. Trust yourself. You know your truth. Especially with Mercury retrograde, take time to honor the voice within. This day brings both challenges and gifts; however, ultimately, it also activates your spiritual healing. Use this opportunity to refine your communication with yourself and those you love the most.

July 14’s potent astrological occurrence invites you to examine your shadow and the shadow of others. Indeed, this is a call to transformation.

On July 14, Pluto opposes the sun. This potent astrological occurrence, just days before the upcoming lunar eclipse, invites you to examine your shadow and the shadow of others. Indeed, this is a call to transformation. You are being asked to step into your full power. What can you do to accelerate your integration of truth and power? And how can you hold space for others while simultaneously taking care of yourself?

Then get ready, with the lunar eclipse brewing, and occurring on July 16, you’ll feel the intensity brewing throughout the week. It’s so important to channel this energy into a physical practice like jogging, yoga, power walking, or swimming. Getting in cardio now helps you metamorphize this raw power and potential.

Jennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic—a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women’s health—to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success. 

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