Everything You Wanted to Know About Cleansing Your Crystals

Crystals aren't just super-gorgeous home (or purse) accessories: They're also known in the woo-woo world as powerful energy-cleansing tools. And just like your other cleaning essentials (vacuum, duster, scrubber brush), they need to be cleared of all the gunk in order to work their magic.

In the latest episode of our video series "Good Vibes", we're (hilariously) breaking down exactly how to do it with brilliant advice from reiki expert Kelsey Patel. "[Crystals] not only help release and clear energy, they also receive energy—and need a good bath to clean themselves off so they can keep vibe-ing to help you," she explains.

"[Crystals] not only help release and clear energy, they also receive energy—and need a good bath to clean themselves off."

And just as no two chunks of amethyst look alike, not all crystals are created equally—which means, according to Patel, that different cleaning methods work for different types of stones.

So, where to start? Here, the woo-woo expert explains when to use sunlight, water, and earth to reset your precious gemstones—and, ahem, exactly what not to do.

Watch the video above for the details.

To start building your own collection, find out which crystals Bella Hadid keeps on hand and 3 unexpected ways to put them to use IRL

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