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3 Ways to Make It Through Tense Situations Like a Boss

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No matter where you fall on the political spectrum—or whether you’re Team Rihanna or Team J. Lo—the past year has been tense.

Is there a way to speak your piece and engage in (constructive) debate without losing your cool? If there’s someone who you think you fundamentally disagree with, what can be done—besides flat-out giving up?

Devi Brown, radio and TV host and founder of wellness lifestyle brand Karma Bliss, believes that you can absolutely turn tense moments around—if you calm your mind and remind yourself of three very important things.

“I believe this time is a real opportunity to create abundance from a feeling of lack,” Brown explains. “We have to focus on doing whatever we can to inch the world forward.”

Here, Brown shares with us her genius tips—watch the video above to learn them all.

The world could use a little more love—ready to accept Gabrielle Bernstein’s kindness challenge? And don’t forget: Pain is where growth happens (according to Tracy Ellis Ross).

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