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What To Expect for Your Love Life This Valentine’s Day, According to Your Zodiac Sign

content woman love horoscope
Solo or partnered, this Valentine’s Day might feel more subdued than in years past given the state of, well, everything around us. The good news? The day actually glows with opportunities for passion and exploration—you just have to look to the stars above us with your love horoscope.

“Venus and Mars are the rulers of our love lives and both are conjunct, or… side by side,” says Leslie Hale, astrologer with, a network of spiritual advisors that’s been aiding self growth and discovery for two decades. “Romantic sparks can fly and this can be exciting to the senses. I cannot think of a better aspect for Valentine’s Day. “

The stars are indeed aligning on February 14, with Mercury and Venus both out of retrograde. (FYI: Venus is still in its retroshade period, which lasts until March 1, but Hale says it won’t affect any romantic plans.) And with the moon in Leo, a sign that rules the heart, it’s an auspicious time for love in all forms—just watch out for some shakeups as the moon squares Uranus in the late evening hours. “Go with the flow, try something new and different, and it should be a perfect day for romance, friendship, or simply coming up with plans for something different at the last minute,” says Hale.

Just remember: “During our lifetime we will all experience some Valentine’s Days that are better than others,” says Hale. “Love is not limited to one day of the year.”

And that goes for self love, too. Hale recommends making yourself feel special this Valentine’s Day, no matter what the stars have in store (a spa moment, curling up with a good book, or getting a psychic or astrological reading from are all solid plans). “Love is still love, in whatever form it may take,” says Hale.

Discover what Valentine’s Day holds for your sign with your love horoscope below.


Feeling fired up? You know it, Aries. The moon is in your fifth house which readies you for all things fun and romantic, says Hale, while Venus and Mars in Capricorn (which lends itself to earthy sensuality) grounds you. “Enjoy the day, it was meant for you, Aries,” says Hale.


A cozy evening is upon you, Taurus, and that might play out with a dinner party (that’s thanks to Venus and Mars in Capricorn indicating comfy surroundings, says Hale). “This year may well be spent at home, enjoying the company of a special someone, or alternatively family,” she says. Snuggle up and perhaps sip on something bubbly.


With your penchant for wanderlust, Gemini, you might spend the day hopping from one gathering to the next with family and friends. Or, Hale notes, some travel might be in store: “You may have a deep desire to travel this year, even only to the other side of town,” she says. “Alternatively, you may connect with someone who is at a distance that makes your day.”


Got a special someone on your mind, Cancer? Hale says to extend that love to those who are closest to you, whether that’s a partner, a crush, or a close family member. To that end, you may receive or give a gift today, just keep Hale’s advice in mind with any purchase: “Don’t overspend, as it’s the thought and intent that will impress.” 


“This day was made for Leo with all of its glamour and drama,” says Hale. That means the stars are gearing up for an epic evening (aka an opportunity to “dress to impress and be seen,” says Hale). If it’s not possible to go out tonight, Hale says to spend time with close friends and co-workers.


You’re brimming with energy, Virgo—but that energy is split between the desire for a night out with a lover or friend and the urge to stay home and focus inwards. Hale feels that a night out will prevail, but a sweet, celestial compromise can involve some much-earned alone time later in the evening.


Friendship is your main priority, Libra. Whether you have a special someone or not, Hale says that a February 14 soiree should involve a small group of your closest companions. With two planets falling in the fourth house—the realm of house and home—the idea of a gathering at home is deliciously inviting. “It can be a night to remember either way,” says Hale.


Hale says that work might take up much of your daylight hours, but there’s still room for a special evening—so consider the night yours, Scorpio. Solo Scorpios might tap a local cafe or wine bar for festivities with friends, while partnered Scorpios should plan for the unexpected (in a good way).


Travel plans might come into fruition in your love horoscope. “Sagittarius may travel on Valentine’s Day this year, or if this is not possible may yearn to plan a trip for another date,” says Hale. While travel can be glamorous, so can gifts—Hale says a beautiful present might be the star of the day as well.


Let loose and relax, Capricorn. This is especially important, Hale says, as Mars and Venus are in your first house, which focuses on the self. “It is hard to imagine Capricorn won’t desire to do something very special this year,” says Hale. “By evening Capricorn’s senses may be on fire and it could be a night made for love.”


Like Libra, you’ll benefit from spending time with your BFFs. Aquarius is most likely to experience a positive ripple effect from those you’re involved with on a day-to-day basis, says Hale. Your airy sign may benefit most by connecting in a secluded spot, at home, or where intuition leads you.


It’s a dreamy and warm day for Pisces. As it turns out, Hale says, you’ll likely have plans for this night to go somewhere you’ve wanted to go for quite a while. Perhaps it’s a special restaurant or some other exciting locale, but keep enough room in your night for surprises.

Want to learn more about what you have in store this Valentine’s Day—or beyond? Book a session with an astrologer or spiritual advisor on for empowering clarity and guidance.

Top photo: Getty Images/Oscar Wong; Art: Well+Good Creative

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