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This New Moon’s Energy Brings Anger and Grief—Here’s How To Channel It Into Productivity

mercury opposite uranus

Frustrated Caucasian woman laying on bed using laptop

With a powerful, game-changing new moon opening up a doorway to a fresh start this week, right now you’d be wise to consider your goals and intentions for the lunar cycle ahead. The new moon perfected at 12:07 a.m. on Sunday, November 15, but we will feel its power and transformational potential throughout the entire week ahead. So, take time now to get centered, allow yourself to dream, and let yourself consider what you want to create during this lunar cycle.

To facilitate this ideation, do a new moon ritual wherein you write your new-moon intentions in first person, present tense. Repeat your intentions out loud throughout the week, and visualize your intended outcomes as if they have already come to fruition.

As you stick to your new-moon intentions, Venus—the planet of love, beauty, and values in her home sign of Libra—squares Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn. As she does, she invites you to own your desires. Venus’s square to Jupiter and Pluto perfects on Sunday, while her square to Saturn perfects on Thursday. This no-nonsense aspect implies work is required. So, don’t avoid doing what you must. A little elbow grease goes a long way.

As Venus squares Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn, she also opposes Eris, the dwarf planet of discord. This means the week ahead may bring with it feelings of anger.

As Venus squares Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn, she also opposes Eris, the dwarf planet of discord. This means the week ahead may bring with it feelings of anger. If so, please know that anger is a potent and necessary emotion. And, often, underneath anger is grief—a complicated, powerful, misunderstood, and underutilized experience humans encounter. Grief can feel so scarily all-encompassing that rather than feel it, we sometimes go numb and use tactics of avoidance to mask it. We project our grief onto others, overwork ourselves to distract from it, fixate on others to feel comparatively better, or we stay in anger, rage and jealousy to avoid the power of sorrow and loss. But fact remains that grief is a part of life and often a part of growth. After all, to grieve is to heal. Grief is often a journey from anger, through sorrow, into a more in-depth experience of love. So if grief and anger come up this week, allow yourself the opportunity to process pain.

On Tuesday, Mercury, the planet of communication, now in Scorpio, opposes Uranus (again, due to his recent retrograde). Uranus is the planet of disruption, revolution, and liberation. Mercury opposite Uranus invites free-thinking and freedom. As you process deeper emotions and keep your eyes on the goal ahead, Mercury opposite Uranus helps you release and let go of what is no longer needed. Mercury travels through his retrograde shadow through November 19, so between now and then, we are course-correcting and fine-tuning where we’ve recently been.

Come Saturday, the sun enters into Sagittarius. At the same time, Venus enters Scorpio. This combination of the sun entering into the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius as Venus enters into the fixed water sign of Scorpio can feel steamy. The sun in Sagittarius encourages big-picture vision while Venus in Scorpio prioritizes intimacy and depth. The next full moon is a lunar eclipse in Gemini, and as the sun begins its journey in Sagittarius, we prepare for the next set of waves approaching. That said, the week ahead is wildly productive. Use it to your advantage.

Jennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic—a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women’s health—which she uses to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success. Pre-order her book, Cosmic Health (January 2021), here.

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