Mercury’s Trine to Jupiter Makes This Week the Best Time To Rock It At Work

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Sunday, July 11th, starts with the waxing crescent moon in the sign of Leo, which is a fantastic weekend aspect. The waxing moon in Leo encourages a playful attitude and a carefree spirit. Meanwhile, on this same day Mercury, the planet of communication, exits Gemini and enters into Cancer. Mercury recently spent an exceptionally long period in Gemini due to his retrograde spin. (Mercury entered Gemini on May 3rd.) Now he’ll make his way through the sign of the crab for the next two and a half weeks—he moves into Leo on July 27th.

With his entrance into Cancer, we can begin to take action on all that we have learned since Mercury entered Gemini in early May and during the most recent eclipse season. But more importantly, you can begin a fresh new iteration of your healing journey.

Even more good news: As Mercury moves into Cancer, he makes a perfect angle of ease, known as a trine, to Jupiter, the planet of good luck and good fortune. Mercury’s trine to Jupiter (both planets are in water signs) ignites the possibility of heightened psychic knowing and a chance to chill.

Mercury’s trine to Jupiter (both planets are in water signs) ignites the possibility of heightened psychic knowing and a chance to chill.

Come Monday, this trine may prove even more fruitful when it comes to business and work. Mercury’s trine to Jupiter is a supreme time to close the deal or make an important pitch. So if you are looking for a new job, you may find the right opportunity. You want to start Monday ready to roar because it’s the type of day that you can use to move mountains—without a single drop of wasted sweat.

Speaking of getting ready to roar, Tuesday, July 13th, brings an especially auspicious connection between Venus, the planet of love and beauty, and Mars, the planet of passion and vigor. With both planets at 20° of Leo—the lion—there’s regal energy to channel towards your desired outcomes and goals. Like a new moon that initiates a fresh cycle of growth, this conjunction heralds a time to center on your desires for the future.

Since this auspicious conjunction between Venus and Mars happens in the sign of Leo, it’s a necessary time to focus on you. Focus on your values, and craft an understanding of what you are striving to accomplish in your life. What’s your vision? How do you want to feel? Who are the type of people you want to surround you? When it comes to romance, what do you want to experience? What kind of excitement do you want to conjure in your life? What are you craving? Answering these questions now will help you to aim and focus on how you wish to move forward as we move even deeper into Cancer season, the summer, and the remainder of the year.

Midweek we can bask in the glow of the sun’s powerful trine to Neptune. Like Mercury’s trine to Jupiter, this alignment between the sun and Neptune invites a calming and nurturing grace. The trine between Neptune and the sun perfects on Thursday the 15th—the same day that Chiron, the wounded healer, stations retrograde. With both of these events happening together, pay close attention to what’s coming up for you then. The universe invites you to settle into an even deeper level of compassion with yourself and others.

The most complicated aspect of the week comes on Saturday when the sun opposes Pluto. This is a time to be in your power, but refrain from power tripping. Being forceful with others is contraindicated. Instead, should you need to express anger, rage, or frustration, do so in your workout or your journaling practice. You can also cast a spell or do a ritual in honor of moving through your shadow and embracing your resurrection. (Pluto represents both the shadow and resurrection.)

All and all, the week ahead is full of opportunities for healing, the expansion of your intuitive gifts, and the chance to make significant moves in the direction of your most desired future. Though remember, health and happiness aren’t about feeling good all of the time. So give yourself permission to be with whatever comes up—this, too, is a critical part of healing.

Jennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic—a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women’s health—which she uses to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success. Order her book, Cosmic Health, here.

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