My Weekly Workout: Catt Sadler

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Catt SadlerThere's a reason E! News host Catt Sadler is generally radiant on—or next to—the red carpet. (Um, did you see her at the Golden Globes?!)

It's because the Emmy-winning journalist and mom of two is committed to a seriously healthy lifestyle—and yet doesn't deprive herself of basic human joys like pizza with her kids.

Sadler tries not be swept away by Hollywood's often unrealistic body, dietary, and career expectations.

"When you bring it back to what's real, it's about loving yourself and feeling good in your skin," she says. "I concentrate on feeling the full mind-body connection, and if I feel like I'm living well, if I focus on that, I’m less likely to have those moments of insecurity."

Sadler does this by keeping up a steady routine of running, hot yoga, and Tracy Anderson DVDs, grabbing superfood smoothies and juices for fuel, spending time with her family, and employing positive affirmations. She's also currently promoting the ProgressOH! Makeover Contest, a healthy weight-loss campaign with Progresso.

Here's what an awards season workout week looks like for the healthy star.

Monday: I have been so busy with awards season, I’ve had trouble sticking to my normal routine. I was thrilled to be able to fit in a hot yoga class today at Modo Yoga LA. This has quickly become one of my favorites because it's truly mind, body, and soul. A wonderful way to reset for the week. Afterwards, I picked up a kale, lemon, and turmeric juice from Clover which is right next store. Recharged and ready to tackle the world!

Tuesday: Another busy day at work, and my oldest son had a basketball game in the evening, so I took off on foot for a quick jog in my neighborhood this morning. After running my first half marathon last fall, an easy two miles is just enough to get the blood flowing and work up a good sweat. We stocked up at the farmer’s market this weekend so I’ve been enjoying lots of fresh berries as snacks this week!

Wednesday: A morning shoot in the field, a long day on set, and more kids’ functions, so today I knew I wouldn’t be able to exercise. I’m really loving kombucha right now. It tastes a bit odd but I know it’s good for me, so have been incorporating it into my diet more and more.

Thursday: My morning was wide open so I took full advantage and popped in my Tracy Anderson Method Metamorphosis DVDs. I’ve done the Hipcentric series off and on for a few years. It’s 30 minutes of dance cardio and then 30 minutes of muscular structure mat work, incorporating three-pound weights. This is the one exercise that truly morphs my body into a lean, mean, fighting machine. When I do this consistently my butt moves north and my arms look sleek and sexy. Sometimes it’s hard to motivate yourself to dance in your living room by yourself, but I’m always glad when I see the results. My husband makes the most amazing smoothies, so I took full advantage afterwards: Raw cacao, bananas, dates, gogi berries, spirulina, almond milk, and ice. Mmmmm.

Friday: I tape two shows every Friday for E! News, so this is rarely a day I work out. Today was no different. My husband, kids, and I went out to our favorite local Mexican restaurant, El Compadre. I basically licked the guacamole bowl clean. Lol! I love their spicy margaritas, too. Everything in moderation!

Saturday: Both of my boys play sports, and it’s Grammys weekend, so again, life in the fast lane! I made my kiddos some vegan pancakes (they don’t love them, but they like them, so it’s a compromise.) For lunch, before my son’s game, I heated up some Progresso Light Soup. (The Light Savory Vegetable Barley for me, and the Chicken Pot Pie Style for them). It’s quick, easy, and healthy—a win for us all! After Grammys Livestream from the Red Carpet’ rehearsal for E!, I went directly to Modo Yoga. My favorite exercise to do before awards shows. I leave with my skin glowing and feeling super relaxed.

Sunday: Up early—it's Grammys Sunday! I was on my feet most of the day and ate mostly hotel food. I had a pretty bland kale salad, so ended up eating two big rolls with butter for lunch. Snacked on almonds. By the end of my wild work day, I ended up watching the awards recorded on TV, eating pizza, in front of the fire. Pretty stellar end to a fun, full week! —Lisa Elaine Held

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