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The One Move J.Lo’s Trainer Has Her Do to Tone *Everything* From the Waist Up

How to do J.Lo's Spider-Man push-ups

Photo: Instagram/@jlo

Ever wonder how celebs like J.Lo, Kate Upton, and Heidi Klum stay so fit and toned? Well, it helps that they tend to enlist fitness and nutrition experts to keep their lifestyles decidedly healthy, but there’s also one superhero-status move to which they may owe thanks: “Spider-Man push-ups,” AKA one of celebrity trainer David Kirsch‘s go-to strengthening exercises.

He shared the challenging move—which simultaneously blasts the arms, chest, and core, and also uses a stability-testing Bosu ball—in a recent Instagram post. It’s effective for working literally everything waist up all at once—so put on your spandex, Peter Parker-style, and get ready to climb some walls. Horizontally on your living room floor, of course.

“This is a pretty comprehensive exercise,” Kirsh told Self. “If you’re short on time, you can do it as a standalone move and feel like you accomplished something. You can also incorporate it into your regular upper-body or core workout.”

So how does a push-up princess get her Spider-Man on? Self reported it’s best to ease into it, first perfecting high planks and push-ups. When you’re ready, here’s how it’s done, according to Kirsch:

  1. Start in high plank position with your hands stacked underneath your shoulders, your core engaged, back flat, and your body in one straight line.
  2. As you lower your body toward the floor, bend your right knee, rotate your hip out to the side, and bring your knee in toward your elbow.
  3. Return to starting position, and repeat with your left leg to complete the rep.

“If you feel it in your lower back, you’re dropping your hips,” Kirsch said. “If your neck and shoulders hurt, [open your chest] and retract your shoulder blades down. This will help you open everything up and make sure your core is engaged.”

After becoming a pro at the move, you’ll not only be on your way to a strong, celeb-worthy physique, but you’ll also have a totally new appreciation for the arachnid-like world-saver…because this stuff is hard.

Want to work out like Jennifer Garner? Try her pre-Oscars workout. Or, check out the five things you should never eat before exercising.

This story was originally published on March 9, 2018; it was updated on June 28, 2018. 

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