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Taylor Swift Just Made a Powerful Reminder to Sexual Assault Victims

Taylor Swift is currently in the midst of a sexual assault trial against former radio host David Mueller—and as uncomfortable as the topic may be, the singer’s testimony offers a very necessary reminder for everyone.

A quick debrief on the now highly publicized case: In 2013, Swift was at a photo meet-and-greet alongside Mueller. She alleges that, during a photo opp, he reached up her skirt and grabbed her butt. Mueller was subsequently fired from his radio job and sued Taylor Swift for $3 million—an action that was met by a $1 (that’s one dollar, not one million) countersuit from Swift.

The singer’s responses are much-needed reminders that victim blaming and shaming aren’t okay.

Yesterday marked day four of the trial, and Swift took the stand for a cross examination from Mueller’s lawyer. According to court transcripts, the lawyer repeatedly asked Swift how she felt about Mueller losing his job as a result of the incident, Glamour reports. Swift responded to the first variation of the question with, “I don’t feel anything about Mr. Mueller. I don’t know him.” When asked the second time, Swift said, “I’m not going to let you or your client make me feel in any way that this is my fault. Here we are years later, and I’m being blamed for the unfortunate events of his life that are the product of his decisions—not mine.”

According to sources, Swift was firm and unwavering on the stand—something that couldn’t have been easy given the circumstances. But the singer’s responses are much-needed reminders that victim blaming and shaming aren’t okay. Women are often treated in questionable, degrading, violating ways, and are too often assigned fault for the consequences and traumas inflicted by others.

On the upside: Sounds like Swift should have plenty of material for a Bad Blood remix.

Assault happens everywhere, every day. Here’s what you should know about the increasing problem of shamans taking advantage of women, and here’s some background on the sexual harassment suit that shook the yoga world

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