The Astrology of 11/11 Is Full of Tough Lessons in Love—Here’s What the Date Has in Store for Your Zodiac Sign

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Repeating 11s, however they show up, are famous for signifying good luck—hence the common refrain: It’s 11:11, make a wish. Often regarded as an angel number (or a recurring number thought to carry a spiritual message or meaning), a series of 1s, as in 111 or 1111, can even have a fated or destined vibe to it—and as a date with repeating numbers, 11/11 is thought to carry the numerological significance of a fresh start.

In numerology, the number 11 is considered the “master teacher or inspiring leader,” says numerologist Jasmine Wolfe, “and in being the 11th month, November always carries the energy of elder wisdom with it.” By extension, the month is generally all about gaining real life wisdom—which is best done not through books but by living life fearlessly, adds Wolfe, and learning from your mistakes along the way.

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Interpreting this symbolism alongside the cosmic energy of the day—based on the location of key planets when it arrives—can offer more specific insight into what this year’s 11/11 may bring and how the energy might affect your zodiac sign.

What is the numerological significance of the date 11/11?

The numerological vibe of the number 11 can be dissected by looking at the energy of its single digit, 1. The number 1 symbolizes novelty, new beginnings, and independence. When a number is repeated, as in the case of 11 or 11/11, its energy is amplified, given the double appearance of the master number. ICYDK, master numbers (11, 22, and 333) are said to have extra mystical properties as they symbolize the karmic nature of its single number.

In turn, Wolfe suggests being really aware of whatever comes your way this day: “The events taking place in our lives around 11/11 are key to understanding the larger life lessons you are currently being guided toward,” Wolfe says. Change is par for the course when 1 is involved, so during 11/11, expect that new beginnings are underway—whether you’re ready for them or not.

“The events taking place in our lives around 11/11 are key to understanding the larger life lessons you are currently being guided toward."—Jasmine Wolfe, numerologist

That’s especially the case since the sum of any set of numbers discerns the energy of its respective angel numbers (which don’t need to have the same number repeated, but series of numbers like 1010 and 1212 are considered angelic)—in this case, the total of 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 is 4, which astrologer and numerologist Erin River Sunday says implies a period of inner strength and stability. Taking into consideration the energy of 4 and the fact that 11 is a master number, Sunday explains the date 11/11 is a strong proponent of extreme intuition and connection to the divine.

What is the astrological significance of 11/11?

Typically, the angel number 1111 is lucky, but in terms of how 11/11 will affect you astrologically, there are a few tough alignments that are impacting the collective. Astrologically, 11/11 falls under Scorpio season (which is associated with the occult and magic), “indicating the potential for major transformation,” explains Sunday. Translation? The wisdom you’ve accumulated around this magical date will have a meaningful impact on your life path moving forward.

Specifically, Sunday explains that major relationship changes may surface, particularly with the planet of love, Venus, in free-spirited Sagittarius switching up energies as it ingresses into no BS Capricorn. “This is of major importance to relationships. They will go from freewheeling to immensely deep and powerful, marketing a spiritual shift,” explains Sunday. If you’ve been feeling stagnant in a relationship, or on the precipice of opening up the dreaded “what are we?” conversation with your, this could be the moment where hard truths come out.

“This is of major importance to relationships. They will go from freewheeling to immensely deep and powerful, marketing a spiritual shift."—Erin River Sunday, numerologist

Plus, Mercury, which rules communication and ideas, will be percolating in Sagittarius as it begins to form a tough square aspect with Saturn, the planet of longevity and discipline, in Pisces—a sign that doesn’t take to boundaries well. “It’s not quite exact (in degrees), but almost, and points to frustrations in communication and our mental process getting a major reality check,” says Sunday.

With this particular square, it might be harder to keep pretending, and while you might’ve been doing a good job of holding onto an over-idyllic dream or overlooking the facts of a situation—like holding your tongue with coworkers at a job you’re not thrilled with or plagued by negative thoughts—it’ll be harder to pretend. But beware of explosive impulses if you’re currently experiencing your Saturn return—think of it as a cosmic test.

It’s not all tough love, though. On 11/11, the moon in daydreaming Pisces will also square Jupiter, the planet of abundance and knowledge (not a bad face-off to have, BTW) in Gemini. “This is a very brief moment but it points to high optimism and hopefulness,” Sunday explains. So while you may feel dragged down by some of the hyperactive planetary alignments, this is a reminder to allow the magic and support of angel number 1111 to guide you through the turbulence.

Now that you know the significance of the date 11/11, keep reading to find out how it’ll affect your zodiac sign.

How 11/11 will affect the zodiac signs


aries astrology symbol with graphics of rose and moon on red background

The intensity of today may just spare you, Aries, as no aspects are making a direct hit on you, according to Sunday. But be mindful of your impulses and how direct you are, especially with the square between Mercury and Saturn. “Take some time to pause in your thinking process and use it as an opportunity to slow down—at least temporarily,” Sunday explains. Rather than full-sending major moves, test your luck in other ways, like prioritizing self-care or revisiting your relationship values, as Venus pushes you to be more responsible in love.


taurus astrology symbol with images of tarot cards and a candle on a yellow background

Today’s about patience, Taurus, which you practice so effortlessly. Your ruler, Venus, is heightening your heart space. Plus, it’s Scorpio season, “So you're hyper-focused on relationships right now,” explains Sunday. “Let today show you where you need to slow down.” Leave major decisions out of the picture right now, instead, turn into yourself and redefine your needs in partnership.


gemini astrology symbol on blue background with plant leaves and marble statue images

You’re not one to stumble over your words, Gemini, but with your ruling planet, Mercury taking heat from Saturn, “Your thought processes are likely to feel a bit frustrated,” explains Sunday. “Rather than fight against it, ask yourself what you can do to think long-term.” Avoid the instant gratification of telling others off or making a point (although historically, you make some good ones). Instead, take a moment to sleep on what you’d like to express and revisit tough conversations entirely.


cancer astrology symbol on light green background with images of the moon and tarot cards

Prepare to get extra sentimental today, Cancer, as your planetary ruler, the lovely moon, ingresses into fellow water sign, Pisces. Naturally, this may heighten your emotions, says Saunday. On the other hand, “Venus will then enter your opposite sign of Capricorn, pointing to sweetness in your partnerships,” she adds. Indulge in the gentleness of your relationships, whether platonic or romantic—they may lend important wisdom that may be useful later on.


Step into your confidence today, Leo! The collective is at the surrender of Mars (Scorpio’s traditional ruler), which happens to be in your sign, giving you an extra pep in your step, as Sunday explains. Alternatively, with all of the cosmic drama happening right now, your energy could be easily drained. In that case, “Take today to pause and notice where your mind goes when you get still,” suggests Sunday.


It might be hard to keep things together today as you typically do well, Virgo. Sunday explains your planetary ruler, Mercury, and its alignment with Saturn could jumble your thought processes, steering you toward burnout. “Slow down and know that any mental frustration is temporary,” says Sunday. To take some of the pressure off while still being proactive, Sunday suggests: “Plan for the long term!”


libra astrology symbol with black and white images of flowers and the lady of justice on pink background

You have love on the brain today, Libra (but really, when is it not?). Sunday says your ruling planet, Venus, rises to its anaretic degree, aka the “degree of fate,” as it switches into Capricorn. This highlights a major milestone in your relationships, and as a sign that craves stability, could be a good thing. “This is a major shift, so prepare for things to get a lot more serious in your love life,” says Sunday.


scorpio astrology symbol on purple background with images of coins and tarot cards

It’s your birthday season, Scorpio, so you’ll naturally feel the magic and love around you—so revel in it! That said, a new beginning is in the works, pushing you toward changes that you might not have expected or are ready for. “Take it as a moment of transformation, as you should every year, and notice how your relationships, specifically, are ready to be more serious,” says Sunday.


sagittarius astrology symbol on dark purple background with images of a map and a rose

Find moments for your passions today, Sagittarius—specifically, in your relationships. Sunday explains that Venus will be in its last moments of your native sign, “So enjoy the sweetness that finds you before it departs.” That’s because things in your relationship will shift to more serious territory, says Sunday, even if you’re not prepared for it to.


capricorn astrology symbol on green background with images of saturn and a grecian statue

Get out of your head today, Capricorn—today’s about surrendering to your pleasures. “Venus also enters your home sign today, adding some extra pep in your step,” says Sunday. “Accept the sweetness and let it allow you to soften.” Instead of rationalizing things, allow yourself to enjoy the little things and the oft-overlooked moments in between.


aquarius astrology symbol on a red background with images of flower leaves and an urn

You’re due for some hard lessons today, Aquarius. “Your [traditional] ruling planet, Saturn, is coming close to a square with Mercury, making you think hard about the reality of the current situation. Take your time,” explains Sunday. Try not to ruminate about it, instead, surrender your control and allow things to be as they are.


pisces astrology symbol on yellow background with images of tarot cards and fish

The cosmic energies of today may feel you stuck in your mind and heart, Pisces, you might feel debilitated. Don’t run away from your emotions, but don’t let them have the final say, either. “Take today to slow down and see where your mental process is leading you, and what still needs more work,” Sunday explains.

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