8 Healthy Breakfast Puddings That Will Make You Love Mornings

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Puddings are the new Wheaties, and a great way to fill up on raw fruits, veggies, and proteins to start your day.

Coconut black rice pudding by my new rootsOkay, if you didn't know this already, puddings aren't just an after dinner treat. They're now a sensible breakfast.

No, we haven't lost our healthy minds. With no-cook puddings featuring raw power-house ingredients like acai to chia, you'll not only get out the door fast, you'll have the nutrition to rock your early workout, crush that morning meeting, and get started on your to-do-list without having to wolf down an emergency bowl of sugary cereal.

We're sharing eight breakfast puddings (yes, that's now a phrase) that are as tasty as they are loaded with healthy benefits. Here are the recipes about to rock your morning ritual. —Sarah Sarway

(Photo: My New Roots)


Orange lavender pudding with cashewsOrange Lavender Pudding with Cashews

Invigorating orange is loaded with benefits like cancer-fighting limonoids and free radical-fighting vitamin C, all which make it the perfect base for Emily von Euw's wonderfully no-fuss recipe. "This can't get much simpler," says the creator of This Rawsome Vegan Life. The calming flavor of the lavender leaves evens out the citrus, making it a super-balanced morning treat along with the cashew protein. "Decorate the pudding with orange zest and orange slices—and more lavender flowers if you like," she says. "Get sexy with it!" Yes, even first thing in the morning.

Visit This Rawsome Vegan Life for the full recipe.

(Photo: This Rawsome Vegan Life)


Chocolate zucchini breakfast pudding Chocolate Zucchini Breakfast Pudding 

If eating greens in the morning just isn't your thing, this zucchini-centric recipe is for you—really. "This is the perfect example of how you can include vegetables in something without it affecting the taste, which means you still get a dose of veggies without even noticing," says Dearna Bond of To Her Core. Her weapon of choice for whipping zucchs into a creamy consistency is a high-powered blender—but it's not a must. "If you're using a less powerful machine, just blend for a little longer," she says.

Visit To Her Core for the full recipe.

(Photo: To Her Core) 


Vanilla chia seed pudding by Domesticate MeVanilla Chia Seed Pudding

Chia seed pudding is the new Wheaties. And this recipe by Serena Wolf of Domesticate Me is all customizing your chia with a variety of your favorite ingredients. Whether you choose to follow one of her variations or concoct your own, the chia seeds mean you're getting tons of omega 3s—and benefits like improved cognitive function, plus healthier skin, hair, and nails—all before noon. "It's on the thin side for a pudding," she says, "so if you want something a little more substantial, feel free to substitute half the milk for Greek yogurt."

Visit Domesticate-Me for the full recipe.

(Photo: Domesticate Me)


Mango_avocado_puddingExotic Avocado Mango Pudding

When blended with mango and banana, creamy green avocado takes on an exotic, tropical flavor—and fills you right up. "There's no end to the permutations of avocado puddings," says Lianna Sugarman, founder of blended beverage brand LuliTonix."This one has 3 grams of protein and 11 grams of fiber, and is light, bright, and refreshing." Turmeric, which Sugarman snuck into the recipe, makes it mega anti-inflammatory, too.

Visit Lulitonix for the full recipe.

(Photo: Lianna Sugarman for Luli Tonix)


Coconut Cashew Millet Pudding with Chai Pear + Apricot CompoteCoconut Cashew Millet Pudding with Chai Pear and Apricot Compote

"Millet makes for a healthy change," says Jocelyn Weiss of An Unprocessed Life, especially if you're looking to mix up your avocado or mango dependency. "Most people think of millet as bird food so they won't even consider it"—but the ancient grain is loaded with serotonin (a happiness food!) and magnesium, which can help ease workout stiffness and morning hangovers...er, headaches.

Visit An Unprocessed Life for the full recipe.

(Photo: Jocelyn Weiss for An Unprocessed Life)


my new roots coconut black rice breakfast pudding 2Coconut Black Rice Breakfast Pudding 

Sarah Britton, the holistic nutritionist behind My New Roots, created this eye-catcher as a way to escape the cold winter of Copenhagen. "We were on a tasty tropical paradise island—at least our tummies were–and I knew that I had to share the experience," she says of trying the pudding with her BFF. Passion fruit was a bit out of her comfort zone ("The thing that tripped me up is that when it's ripe, it looks like something that got lost in the back of your fridge for a month," she admits). But once she cracked one open, Britton was hooked to the flavor and benefits like vitamins A, C, E, and B6, plus calcium, iron, zinc, and potassium. And the black rice makes it both filling and exotic.

Visit My New Roots for the full recipe.

(Photo: My New Roots) 


acai breakfast bowl from GoodnessGreen Acai Berry Detox Bowl

Acai or "the beauty berry," as the smoothie staple is referred to in Brazil, has become one of the hottest breakfast bowl ingredients for blender-savvy foodies. "It’s wonderful stuff, the superfood of superfoods," says Charlotte Collyer of GoodnessGreen. The energy-boosting berry is loaded with antioxidants like phytochemicals, which help leave skin glowing. This recipe calls for a tablespoon of acai powder, unlike those more (potentially) sugary ones that require a frozen packet. And the addition of fresh blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, make this a really delicious—and beautiful—way of filling up on vitamin C and fiber.

Visit GoodnessGreen for the full recipe

(Photo: GoodnessGreens)


Choosing Raw matcha green tea puddingMatcha Green Tea Chia Pudding

Move over, morning latte. This pudding, by Gena Hamshaw of Choosing Raw, serves up a filling morning jolt that lasts throughout the day. "Matcha provides a slower, more sustained energy, and it's a great alternative for those who are trying to cut down on the mighty bean," she says. Just a single teaspoon of the green powder is the equivalent of an entire cup of coffee (some say, without the jitters). "Mixed with a cup of berries, this breakfast packs a major antioxidant punch–not to mention calcium, protein, and healthy fat from the chia seeds," Hamshaw adds.

Visit Choosing Raw for the full recipe.

(Photo: Choosing Raw) 


(Photo: Housefullofjays.com)More Reading

5 morning energy boosting drinks to make you forget about coffee
11 staples for a killer smoothie pantry
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(Photo: Housefullofjays.com)


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