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Exclusive: Body by Simone’s New App Basically Lets You Train and Eat Like a Celebrity

What to know about Body by Simone's new app

Photo: Instagram/@bodybysimone

If you can’t seem to get enough of Simone De La Rue and her celeb-beloved Body by Simone classes, get ready to take your obsession up a notch: A new workout-and-nutrition-focused app will make you feel like the fitness guru is your very own personal trainer.

Body by Simone’s new BBS app—which costs $20 per month—officially launches April 2, and it uses artificial intelligence to give you a customized workout and nutrition program, all based on your specific goals determined from your answers to a set of introductory questions. Whether you want to trim, tone, or maintain, it promises tailored guidance, both from De La Rue and celebrity nutritionist Kelly LeVeque.

Since De La Rue bases the workouts available on the app from routines she does in group classes and private sessions, the digital offerings are basically like being part of her workout squad on the cheap. And, with Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Garner, and Lea Michele in that squad, you’ll be in some seriously star-powered good company.

“The workouts will help build strength and endurance, and burn calories. You’ll learn to eat well, work out at your full potential, and have fun whilst doing it” —Simone De La Rue

“The workouts will help build strength and endurance, and burn calories,” De La Rue tells me via email. “You’ll learn to eat well, work out at your full potential, and have fun whilst doing it. The added bonus is you will lose weight, and tone up, and feel amazing.”

Aside from the having access to weekly live drop-in classes and more than 900 minutes of workout classes, you’ll also score hundreds of plant- and protein-based recipes that cover options for breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner so you can keep your energy levels up throughout your training.

“The goal of the recipes is to increase energy, decrease cravings, and help each user hit their body composition goals.” —Kelly LeVeque

“The recipes are blood-sugar-balancing, ensuring enough protein, fat, and fiber keep users full and fueled throughout the day,” LeVeque, author of Body Love, tells me. She adds that the goal of the recipes is to “increase energy, decrease cravings, and help each user hit their body composition goals. Meals are interchangeable and favorites can be saved so the user is really building their own healthy lifestyle.”

Training and eating like a celebrity for a fraction of the cost? Yeah, let’s just say having this dynamic duo at your fingertips is going to be great healthy fun.

Try this five-minute trampoline workout from Body by Simone. Or, check out the best online workout videos from boutique fitness studios.

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