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This Is the First Thing Kelsey Patel Does When She Gets Off a Plane

Woman on moving sidewalk with pink suitcase

Photo: Twenty20 via @hmoggie

When you carry as many titles as Kelsey PatelReiki master, wellness expert, and entrepreneur, to name a few—it’s inevitable that your schedule includes a fair amount of travel. In just the last couple of months alone, Patel’s flown from her home in Los Angeles to Dubai, New York, Cambodia, Vietnam, Japan, the United Kingdom, France, Greece, Hawaii, and back. Phew!

So, how does she stay healthy on the go—a challenging task no matter how diligent you are with your self-care routine? The ever-energetic empowerment coach has adopted some reliable tricks. Chief among them is a habit she employs the moment she deplanes that’s simple, but effective: “As soon as I land, I buy alkaline water—I rarely ever drink the water or tea or coffee on planes,” she explains. “I know it’s crazy expensive, but it’s so worth it to me.”

Why? Proponents like Patel believe it helps neutralize the acidity in your body, which in turn fights inflammation and supports longevity—though there are few scientific studies regarding the subject. At the very least, guzzling some H20 straight out of the gate is a great way to reverse the effects of sitting in recirculated cabin air for hours.

“It’s the best remedy to take before and after being on a plane because it helps to kill bacteria.”

After she hydrates, Patel doses herself with oregano oil. “It’s the best remedy to take before and after being on a plane because it helps to kill bacteria,” she says. “If I’m feeling something in my tummy, I’ll gargle and swallow, and if my throat feels sore, then I’ll swoosh a few times to kill the bacteria in my mouth.” (Fun fact: Kristen Bell does this, too.) To further prevent illness, Patel relies on the tried-and-true immune-boosting benefits of vitamin C. Rather than supplementing, she packs a snack rich in the nutrient like chopped red pepper.

Once she arrives at her hotel, Patel switches her focus to fitness. “I’ll do about 15 minutes of stretching to open my body,” she says. “Then, before bed, I put my legs up [the wall] for 10 minutes to counterbalance the effects of sitting throughout the flight.”

Since getting a good night’s sleep can be tricky when traveling, Patel has two additional p.m. rituals that she says aid in her efforts to catch plenty of zzz’s: “The Magik Vibes ‘I Am Calm’ essential oil blend helps me so much before bed,” she says. “It keeps me feeling grounded amidst the change of my normal routine.” Once the oil’s applied to her skin, Patel turns to her friend Hilary Jackendoff’s Yoga Nidra For Deep Sleep recording. The meditation is meant to help release stress, which in turn, helps her power down. And when she needs serenity, stat? There’s always her old standby, EFT.

More healthy hacks to test out on your next trip: These genius tricks will banish jetlag forever. Plus, steal Gigi Hadid’s hilarious tip for staying sane anywhere in the world.

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