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We Can Guess How You’ll Vote by Knowing Which of These Beauty Products You Prefer

A liberal vs conservative test survey for fave beauty products

Photo: Getty Images/Science Photo Library

Think the nation seems super divided on a slew of issues? Well, just wait: It turns out the partisan differences go far beyond who you’ve voting for (because—no excuses—you should be voting) at the polls today. According to a new survey, the liberal vs conservative test even applies your beauty products. Yeah, seriously—you’ll never look at lip gloss and deodorant the same way ever again.

Politico Magazine recently teamed up with Simmons Research to pinpoint the top liberal and conservative brands across 36 different categories. The survey of around 25,000 US adults broke down everything from restaurant and pet-food to shoe preferences (you can probably guess which camp favors Vans over Clarks, right?), so things got interesting, to say the least.

When it comes to beauty products, conservatives over-index the average consumer’s preference to prefer Right Guard antiperspirant, and the same goes for liberals with their Burt’s Bees lipstick/gloss. And that’s just the beginning of what the survey found.

Conservatives over-index the average consumer’s preference to prefer Right Guard antiperspirant, and the same goes for liberals with their Burt’s Bees.

Other interesting (and TBH, totally stereotypically accurate) divides were between non-alcoholic beverages (liberals prefer LaCroix while conservatives like Diet Pepsi), airlines (liberals fly JetBlue while conservatives stick with Delta), fast-food joints (liberals order Starbucks and conservatives are into Bojangles’), and condiments (liberals go for Newman’s Own salsa and conservatives grab Tony Chachere’s seasoning). There’s even a split when it comes to technology: liberals are all about that Apple, while HP and Samsung are more conservatives’ speed.

At least there’s one thing everyone can get down with no matter if they classify themselves as red or blue: a cold Coors beer. Because, #merica.

Here’s why wellness has always played an important role in politics and activism. Or, find out a very important reason to make eco-friendly living cool.

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