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I Lost Socks Every Time I Washed My Clothes—Until I Found This Hack

lost socks

Photo: Getty Images/Delmaine Donson

There are many theories about what happens after we die. Here’s mine: Upon passing over the threshold of our earthly existence, we are asked to confront the 1.2 million orphan socks lost in the hamper, dryer, or Tide knows where. All jokes aside, I wish I’d learned this truly genius hack earlier; it makes lost socks a problem of the past.

Rather than accepting that socks and other small items will get eaten up by the dryer, Apartment Therapy suggests folding your socks together immediately after taking them off and placing them safely in a delicates bag.

Come laundry day, you’ll have a bag of socks still very much coupled with their significant others. No need to fret. Oh, and your favorite sweat-wicking undies and other delicates will all be accounted for, too. It’s an easy fix, right?

Come laundry day, you’ll have a bag of socks still very much coupled with their significant others.

Gone are the days when you had to replace your entire sock collection every few months. Now, your favorite pairs (one of mine has glittery stars across the toes) won’t land in the lost-and-found of dryer purgatory. They’ll stay right in your top drawer—right where they belong.

On the market for no-show socks to accent your sneaker collection? We found the best of the best. And if you’re still wondering what compression socks do—here’s the sitch

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