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Not to Stress You Out or Anything, but This Is Most-Googled Symptom in a *Lot* of States

Many people are googling stress treatments

Photo: Getty Images/ Tom Werner

What would the world do without Google? With just a quick search, you can easily learn so many varied things, like how often to water your Monstera and how to get some much-needed relief from a painful sunburn. And of course, there’s the opportunity to do some recon on your health-related symptoms. As it turns out, a lot of people are Googling the exact same thing.

After analyzing the most-searched symptoms of the past year on Google Trends and seeing which had the highest search volumes in each state, found the most common in a fifth of the states to be stress. It’s really no surprise, either: Whether due to politics, career, relationships, or something else entirely, stress is on the rise—it’s even causing hair loss in women. While other top searches include issues with digestion and sleep, nothing came close to being on the same level as stress.

Whether due to politics, career, relationships, or something else entirely, stress is on the rise—it’s even causing hair loss in women.

So, what can you do to stay less stressed and keep those Google searches to a minimum? Basically, take the time to focus on self-care, even if that means clearing your schedule of other responsibilities. “Focus on a healthy diet, exercise, good sleep, and relationships,” says stress specialist Amit Sood, MD. “Consider yoga, meditation, or other relaxation techniques, like music, massage, coloring, gardening, or reading.”

Of course, if these strategies don’t work for you, see a doctor. Armed with expert advice and intervention, you’ll be fully able to stick to Googling things that are a little less, well, stressful.

Lacking this personality trait can make working from home more stressful than the office. Or, get to know the telltail signs you’re stressed out, according to your personality type. 

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