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These Mists Are the Secret to Curing a Case of the Sunday Scaries

Sunday Scaries room sprays

Photo: Instagram/Waft Aromatics

The Sunday Scaries are no joke. While the weekend provides a few much-needed days off from the fast pace at the office, there’s always that moment when you start ruminating about everything you’ve got going on for the week ahead. And it tends to strike at 6 p.m. on the dot the night before returning to the office.

In the same way that sleep is viewed as being a reparative time of day, the weekends should also reinvigorate you for the week ahead. But a 2015 survey from revealed that 76 percent of respondents in the United States reported having Sunday night blues.

One quick way to stop them in their tracks? A high-vibe, protective mist. Spiked with super-relaxing essential oils (some of them, like lavender, are science-backed ways to bring on the calm), plants, and herbs, each of these sprays can help you slow down, unwind, and feel way better about the week ahead. Just a few spritzes to a calmer night, and spoiler alert: They work any day of the week.

Keep scrolling for 12 room sprays and mists to bring on the calm.

You can also clear your home of negative vibes by burning some sage or palo santo in a ritual known as smudging. Never tried it? Watch the how-to video first. 

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