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5 Easy Warm Breakfasts To Enjoy on Cold Autumn Mornings

warm breakfast ideas

Photo: Getty Images/Monkey Business Images

It’s a truth (almost) universally acknowledged in the wellness world that smoothies can make a great easy breakfast—after all, they’re a prime opportunity to pack lots of vegetables, fiber, and protein into a portable meal. But once the season starts to change, an ice-cold smoothie doesn’t always cut it when you’re waking up wearing flannel pajamas and layering up to go on your a.m. run.

Thankfully, there are plenty of warm recipes for breakfast that hit the spot, comfort-wise, while still delivering on healthy nutrients to power you through your day, à la a properly-prepared smoothie. Don’t believe me? Check out these easy breakfast recipes straight from the geniuses behind Well+Good’s Alt-Baking Bootcamp and Plant Based shows. Fall breakfast never tasted so good.

5 warm recipes for breakfast to try this fall

1. High-protein banana bread

I know, I know, we already went through a collective banana bread baking spree in the spring. But after a summer break, I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to go back to it. This recipe uses a blend of almond meal, vanilla whey, and extra eggs to provide energy-giving protein. Make it on Sunday, warm up a slice (or two) in the toaster, and you’ll be powered through the morning.

2. Gluten-free scones

If you’re looking for something to dunk in your PSL, this is it. Like the banana bread, these scones are made without all-purpose flour or sugar, which means they won’t raise blood sugar levels. (That’s going to be a running theme here.) Instead, quinoa flour provides not only a slightly nutty taste but also protein and fiber for energy and satiety.

3. Morning glory muffins

Sure, you can buy an individually wrapped muffin that’s been sitting out for who knows how long, or you can make one of these babies that has the perfect balance of fiber, protein, and healthy fats in every bite. (Psst: The fat comes from creamy coconut milk and the protein and fiber is from almond flour.) Make a batch and enjoy them every morning all week.

4. Chestnut breakfast porridge

If you’re more of a savory breakfast person than a sweet one, this recipe is right up your alley. Here, chestnuts are used to add fiber, protein, and prebiotics. That’s one multitasking nut, right?

5. Nut-free granola

You can still have a warming breakfast that hits the spot even if you don’t have time to sit down for a proper meal. Instead of nuts, the base consists of various seeds, making it a more allergy-friendly granola without sacrificing the protein. Seasoned with cinnamon and turmeric, it’s the perfect seasonal flavor profile, too. Stir it into hot oatmeal for extra texture and crunch.

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