Survey Says: Sex Gets Better After Kids

Photo: Getty Images/Thomas Barwick
Along with the innumerable lifestyle changes that come with adding a newborn to your family, a sudden lack of sex is considered collateral damage. Don't shelve your tantric techniques just yet, though—a recent survey on millennial moms suggests this commonly held assumption might be more lore than law.

By asking 1,000 mothers between the ages of 22 and 37 to divulge the secrets of their sex lives, Peanut—an app that connects "like-minded mamas"—found that nearly 74 percent of those surveyed reported feeling like their sex lives were the same or better than they were pre-baby, and 55 percent said they were getting it on out of "personal desire" (AKA not obligation). Another blush-inducing statistic? Sixty-one percent disclosed that they were ready and waiting for more.

When it came to the frequency of these between-the-sheets-sessions, almost three-quarters of the women surveyed said they were having sex at least once a week.

When it came to the frequency of these between-the-sheets-sessions, almost three-quarters of those surveyed said they were having sex at least once a week—with nearly half getting busy twice or more. On the opposite end of the spectrum, women who only had sex once a month made up a mere 13 percent of the overall pie. And, shocker here, 42 percent of the group said a lack of sleep (read: midnight feedings) was the main reason they didn't have sex as often as they'd like.

The takeaway? Adding a child or two to your family unit might be more of an aphrodisiac than a turn off for you and your S.O.—even if the act itself does look and feel different.

If you have burning questions about sex, check out what sexperts have to say. And once and for all: here's the D.L. on rebound sex

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