Search Results for: Kara Liotta

  1. This Barre Rockstar Wants to Help You Reap the Rewards of High-Intensity, Low-Impact Workouts

    It's all about finding balance says Kara Liotta.

    This Barre Rockstar Wants to Help You Reap the Rewards of High-Intensity, Low-Impact Workouts
  2. 3 Quick Workouts That Provide Instant Energy After a Bad Night’s Sleep

    They’re the energetic equivalent of a cup of coffee—minus the crash.

    3 Quick Workouts That Provide Instant Energy After a Bad Night’s Sleep
  3. The 5-Minute Workouts That Give You the Most Bang for Your Buck

    Whatever you do, just keep moving.

    The 5-Minute Workouts That Give You the Most Bang for Your Buck
  4. 7 Core-Quaking Exercises That Will One-up Basic Crunches in a Big Way

    No boring abs moves here.

    7 Core-Quaking Exercises That Will One-up Basic Crunches in a Big Way
  5. These Butt Exercises Are so Good, J.Lo Will Be Asking You for Your Routine

    Yes, way.

    These Butt Exercises Are so Good, J.Lo Will Be Asking You for Your Routine
  6. Forget Mints—Here’s Why Boutique Fitness Is the Best Amenity Hotels Are Now Offering

    The hospitality industry's taking a HIIT.

    Forget Mints—Here’s Why Boutique Fitness Is the Best Amenity Hotels Are Now Offering
  7. Master These 5 Moves for *Major* Total-Body Toning

    Get stronger, live longer—what's not to like?

    Master These 5 Moves for *Major* Total-Body Toning
  8. This Deceptively Simple Workout Targets *All* the Muscles in Your Core

    You'll feel it everywhere—in a good way.

    This Deceptively Simple Workout Targets *All* the Muscles in Your Core
  9. This Barre-Inspired Arms and Abs Workout Tones You at the Same Time

    Twice the benefits, half the time.

    This Barre-Inspired Arms and Abs Workout Tones You at the Same Time
  10. Ready to Reach Your Full Potential? Welcome to (Re)New Year 2018!

    The ultimate January re-set, from the inside out.

    Ready to Reach Your Full Potential? Welcome to (Re)New Year 2018!
  11. (RE)New Year 2018

    There’s some powerful New Year’s energy in the air, and we can’t wait to help you harness it. So you can be even more awesome than you already are. Our (Re)New Year 2018 program is all about, well, renewal. For five transformational weeks, we’ll give you the tools you need—in every part of your life, […]

    (RE)New Year 2018
  12. This Book Is the “Devil Wears Prada” of the Wellness World

    "Fitness Junkie" co-author Lucy Sykes explains why the time is right to send up the wellness scene.

    This Book Is the “Devil Wears Prada” of the Wellness World
  13. 10 Amazing Wellness Escapes to Recharge for Spring

    These renewing retreats—from Miami Beach to Marrakech—will recharge your wellness batteries with workouts, yoga, spa treatments, and lots of sunshine.

  14. The Rise of the Tank Top: Why the Workout Tank Now Trumps the T-Shirt

    Notice how many women are now working out in tanks instead of tees? Here’s why.

  15. Are You Holding Your Weights Wrong?

    Do you grip your weights like the car steering wheel during a blizzard? Then you could be missing out on the merits of picking them up at all.

    Are You Holding Your Weights Wrong?
  16. The Morning Habits To Adopt ASAP for Better Gut Health All Day Long

    Time to revamp your morning routine.

    The Morning Habits To Adopt ASAP for Better Gut Health All Day Long
  17. This Is How You Should Sit During All Your Meals to Promote Better Digestion

    Dinner with a side of core work.

    This Is How You Should Sit During All Your Meals to Promote Better Digestion
  18. A Gastroenterologist Says Core Work Is the Best Exercise for the ‘Promotion of Poopage’

    Oh, s**t—this is a game-changer.

    A Gastroenterologist Says Core Work Is the Best Exercise for the ‘Promotion of Poopage’
  19. Think You’ve Mastered the Plank? Get Back to Me After You Flip It and Reverse It

    You'd better work it.

    Think You’ve Mastered the Plank? Get Back to Me After You Flip It and Reverse It
  20. This 8-Move, at-Home Abs Workout Will Fire up Your Full Body

    Welcome to week two of Trainer of the Month Club.

    This 8-Move, at-Home Abs Workout Will Fire up Your Full Body