Search Results for: Laurie Helgoe

  1. How To Avoid Social Exhaustion as an Introvert—Without Totally Ghosting Your Friends and Family

    Yes, you *can* manage your social energy without cancelling everything.

    How To Avoid Social Exhaustion as an Introvert—Without Totally Ghosting Your Friends and Family
  2. Are You Truly an Introvert… or Actually a Highly Sensitive Person?

    You can be both—but one doesn't necessarily imply the other.

    Are You Truly an Introvert… or Actually a Highly Sensitive Person?
  3. Socializing Is Connected to Longevity—Here’s How Introverts Can Still Reap the Benefits

    For starters, think quality over quantity.

    Socializing Is Connected to Longevity—Here’s How Introverts Can Still Reap the Benefits
  4. 10 Winter Date Ideas for Introverts Who’d Really Just Love a Cozy Night In

    Netflix > small talk.

    10 Winter Date Ideas for Introverts Who’d Really Just Love a Cozy Night In
  5. How To Wind Down for Better Sleep—Especially if You’re an Introvert

    Because getting to sleep when you're socially exhausted can be deceptively hard.

    How To Wind Down for Better Sleep—Especially if You’re an Introvert
  6. PSA: Extroverts Can Have Social Anxiety, Too—Here’s How To Deal if That’s You

    A psychologist’s advice for letting go of the burden of being the life of the party.

    PSA: Extroverts Can Have Social Anxiety, Too—Here’s How To Deal if That’s You
  7. 5 Therapist-Backed Tips for What to Do When You Crave Human Touch but Are Social Distancing Alone

    There are some needs a Zoom happy hour just can't meet.

    5 Therapist-Backed Tips for What to Do When You Crave Human Touch but Are Social Distancing Alone
  8. Narcissists Seem Like Total Catches at First Because of 3 Desirable Traits Many Have

    And they're not as easy to spot at first as you may think.

    Narcissists Seem Like Total Catches at First Because of 3 Desirable Traits Many Have
  9. I’m an Introvert in a New City—Here’s How I’m Making Friends

    Because meeting strangers at a bar is just not my scene.

    I’m an Introvert in a New City—Here’s How I’m Making Friends
  10. What It Really Means to Be an Introvert, According to a Psychologist

    No, it's not the same thing as shyness.

    What It Really Means to Be an Introvert, According to a Psychologist
  11. 5 Tips for Dating an Introvert, According to a Psychologist Who Is One

    Rule 1: Shhhhhhhh!

    5 Tips for Dating an Introvert, According to a Psychologist Who Is One
  12. 4 Expert-Recommended, Introvert-Approved Tips for Making Friends When You Hate Meeting New People

    Yes, you do have to leave the house. Sorry!

    4 Expert-Recommended, Introvert-Approved Tips for Making Friends When You Hate Meeting New People