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Asos’ New “Clueless”-Style App Saves You Time *and* Stress by Finding You Clothes Via Your Camera Roll

Asos unveils Style Match feature in the US

Photo: Instagram/@asos

My iPhone is full of screenshots from Instagram, Facebook, and blogs that feature my favorite #lewks from runway shows, people pulling off fanny packs, and workleisure-inspo pieces I’ve promised myself I’d eventually unearth from the depths of the internet. But, when it comes to actually shopping these items that only exist theoretically in the form of my vision board of a camera roll, the task ain’t so simple. Because how do I articulate “perfect black bathing suit” in a way Google understands, anyway? The struggle can be real and stressful.

Considering that Asos is 85,000 products strong and adds 5,000 items every week (including tons of activewear), according to the brand, whatever you’re looking for probably exists on the online retailer’s website. And to help you locate the item of your heart’s desires quickly (so you have more time for healthy activities, like meditating), Asos today released a feature on its app that’s a combination of Shazam and that fictitious wardrobe-selecting technology that’s no-doubt tattooed in your brain after you watched Clueless.

Users can either take or upload a photo from their phone and watch as the app pulls items from the site that match or are similar.

On Asos Style Match—which launched in the United Kingdom in August 2017 but is now available globally—users can either take or upload a photo from their phone and watch as the app pulls items from the site that match or are similar. Asos said that it’s seen “strong engagement” with the tool, though it’s too early to collect specific data.

Next, maybe Asos can tackle technology that lets you virtually try on a pair of leggings. Because that sounds way better than comparing size charts, #amiright?

Give your workout wardrobe a makeover with Goop’s new in-house line or MissBish’s fashion-forward collection.

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