An Anti-Inflammatory, Ginger-Peach Smoothie Recipe to Crush Summer Bloat

An anti-inflammatory ginger peach smoothie recipe that'll crush summer bloat
Photo: Getty Images/Gary Burchell
As we round the final corner on summer, here we are with longer days, sweltering heat much. bloat. Despite best intentions, this time of year can take a toll on your digestive system, leaving you feeling gassy and a little in need of a go-to remedy that's as kind on the gut as it is on the taste buds. Enter: Sophia Roe. The brainy chef, who led workshops at the Well+Good Retreat at the Cedar Lakes Estate, has her finger on the pulse when it comes to knowing the right foods to eat (and when).

So, not-so coincidentally, she has a recipe for a ginger-peach smoothie, that's loaded with adaptogens such as Tocotrienols and He Shou Wu, Goji berries (which are a complete source of plant-based protein), and black pepper and turmeric (which should be used together to help activate the turmeric). "It's really detoxifying, so it's going to help pull out the water out of the body—it's [also a] really great menstruation smoothie. I like mine a little spicy: A little cayenne or capsaicin could be nice to rev up your immune system to get your metabolism going for the day." Don't like OJ? Try swapping it with a ginger tea for an extra anti-inflammatory punch.

Keep scrolling for Roe's recipe to help you crush summer bloat.

Ginger Peach Detox Smoothie

This anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic smoothie will help you to eliminate summer bloat.

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  • Prep Time
    5 minutes
  • Cook Time
  • Servings


  • 1/2- inch knob of ginger sliced
  • 1 peach frozen
  • 1 Tbsp Goji berries
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • 8 to 10 oz. orange juice
  • 1 squeeze of lemon
  • 1/2 gram He Shou Wu
  • 1 tsp Blue Lotus
  • 1 tsp Tocotrienol powder
  • 2 scoops Vital Proteins Collagen Powder


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  • Icon for Gluten-free Gluten-free
  • Icon for Whole 30 Whole 30

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